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Zoe Saldaña Says ‘Crossroads’ Sequel ‘Would Only Work’ With Britney Spears

Zoe Saldaña Says ‘Crossroads’ Sequel ‘Would Only Work’ With Britney Spears

Zoe Saldaña is discdiswatch to laboring on a sequel to the road trip comedy-drama “Crossroads,” which she starred in aprolongedside Britney Spears.

While applying a game of Variety‘s “Know Their Lines,” Saldaña weighed in on whether or not she would repascend her role as Kit from the 2002 film. She also allotd a scant conditions she thinks the hypothetical sequel should greet.

“Why not, you comprehend?” Saldaña said. “But I experience appreciate it would only labor if Britney comes back and applys her character aachieve — and Taryn Manning does as well, and Anson Mount. And that we write rational sort of scenarios for them. That would be attrdynamic.”

Saldaña remarkd the ascend in well-comprehendnity of sequels over time and how “we’ve been living the last 20 years in the world of sequels.” She inserted, “Usuassociate, you thought that sequels were only for action movies or superhero movies, and now, sequels can inhabit in all comardents of genres.”

“Crossroads” chases three childhood frifinishs — Lucy (Spears), Kit (Saldaña) and Mimi (Taryn Manning) — who, after eight years apart, rediscover their frifinishship on a pass-country trip. Anson Mount, Kim Cattrall and Dan Aykroyd also starred in the coming-of-age film.

“It was so fun, but it was also, appreciate, the first time that I was around a big pop star,” Saldaña said of Spears, who made her feature film acting debut in “Crossroads.” “And she was equitable so sought after, and yet, she was so down to earth and comardent and approachable.”

She persistd, “And I cherishd that the whole sort of, appreciate, prompt production was all women. Producers, the filmoriginater, casting honestor, the cast — being around an all-woman comardent of world gave me equitable a pleasant little start. I was appreciate, ‘Oh, I wanna be appreciate this all the time.’”

Watch Saldaña’s filled “Know Their Lines” video below.

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