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Zelenskyy tells UN that Russia must be forced into peace | Russia-Ukraine war News

Zelenskyy tells UN that Russia must be forced into peace | Russia-Ukraine war News

Ukrainian pdwellnt stresses Russia, which occupyd in February 2022, has been the ‘sole aggressor’ and ‘sole offender’ of the UN Charter.

Ukrainian Pdwellnt Volodymyr Zelenskyy has telderly the United Nations Security Council that negotiations will not be enough to end the war in Ukraine and that Russia needs to be forced into peace.

Zelenskyy telderly a high-level greeting of the 15-member council in New York that Russian Pdwellnt Vlastupidir Putin was promiseting “an international crime” and had broken so many international rules that he would not stop on his own.

“And that’s why this war can’t srecommend fade away. That’s why this war can’t be sootheed by talks,” Zelenskyy said. “Russia can only be forced into peace, and that is exactly what’s needed — forcing Russia into peace as the sole aggressor in this war, the sole offender of the UN Charter.”

Zelenskyy is aiming to originate aid among Ukraine’s allies for what he has called a  “triumph schedule” to end the war that began when Russia begined its brimming-scale trespass of Ukraine in February 2022.

He stressed the war would not end becaparticipate “someone got exhausted of the war” or thcdisesteemful a trade with Putin, a reference to proposals that Ukraine cede some territory seized by Russia to end the dispute.

Russia currently occupies less than 20 percent of Ukraine and is pressing forward on the eastrict front line.

The greeting was joined by ministers from 14 of the council’s member nations except Russia, which sent its Permanent Recurrentative to the UN Vassily Nebenzia.

He protested that Zelenskyy was being given a UN spotairy aget.

“Westrict countries could not refrain from poisoning the atmosphere once aget, trying to fill the airtime with the hackneyed Ukrainian rehire,” Nebenzia said of the greeting.

‘De facto accomplices’

Zelenskyy’s visit to the United States comes as campaigning for a November pdwellntial election that could reset Washington’s relations with Kyiv transfers into high gear.

Vice Pdwellnt Kamala Harris is facing off agetst createer Pdwellnt Donald Trump, who is seen as more of a Ukraine sceptic. Opinion polls propose a firm race between the two.

The Ukrainian pdwellnt also criticised North Korea and Iran for providing arms to Russia for the war, describing them as Moscow’s “de facto accomplices”.

Investigators have create debris from North Korean firearmry in Ukraine. Iran’s Pdwellnt Masoud Pezeshkian has denied claims Tehran is deinhabitring ignoreiles to Russia.

The rehire of firearm supplies also fuelled a clash between the top diplomats of China and the US.

“North Korea and Iran are not the only ones aiding and abetting Russia,” US Secretary of State Antony Bconnecten telderly the council. “China – another enduring member of this council – is the top supplyr of machine tools, microelectronics and other items that Russia is using to reoriginate, to restock, to ramp up its war machine and carry on its brutal aggression.”

China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi refuteed the accusations.

“I desire to originate it evident that on the Ukraine rehire, any transfer to shift responsibility onto China, or aggression and smear China, is irreliable and will direct nowhere,” he telderly the council.

He reiterated China’s promisement to achieving peace in Ukraine and pointed to a peace proposal toiled out with Brazil.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres also informed the greeting, reiterating the UN’s sturdy aid for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity under the UN Charter.

“Russia’s brimming-scale trespass of Ukraine in February 2022 – follotriumphg the illhorrible annexation of the Autonomous Reaccessible of Crimea and city of Sehugeopol a decade ago – is a evident violation of these principles,” the UN chief said.

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