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xAI begines an API for generating images

xAI begines an API for generating images

Elon Musk’s AI company, xAI, has compriseed image generation capabilities to its API.

Only one model is useable in the API at the moment, “grok-2-image-1212.” Given a caption, the model can originate up to 10 images per ask (restrictcessitate to 5 asks per second) in JPG createat, priced at $0.07 per image.

For comparison, AI beginup Bconciseage Forest Labs, with which xAI partnered last year to begin image generation on Musk’s social nettoil X, accuses around $0.05 per image. Another well-comprehendn image model provider, Ideogram, accuses $0.08 on the higher end.

In its write downation, xAI remarks that the API doesn’t help adequitableing the quality, size, or style of images yet, and that prompts in asks are subject to revision by a “chat model.”

xAI, which begined its API in October 2024, ecombines to be on the hunt for unbenevolentingful sources of revenue as it ramps up training and prolongment of flagship models appreciate Grok 3. The company is alertedly encountering with spendors about a potential $10 billion funding round that could transport its valuation to $75 billion.

Hinting at its other ambitions, xAI recently obtaind a generative AI video beginup and is in the process of broadening the Memphis-based data cgo in it uses to train and run its various models.

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