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  • Woman wedged upside down between boulders for seven hours after trying to get back phone in regional NSW | New South Wales

Woman wedged upside down between boulders for seven hours after trying to get back phone in regional NSW | New South Wales

Woman wedged upside down between boulders for seven hours after trying to get back phone in regional NSW | New South Wales

A woman was wedged between boulders for seven hours after she slipped head-first into a three-metre crevice while trying to get back her phone in regional New South Wales.

The woman’s frifinishs initipartner spent an hour finisheavoring to free her while she was hanging upside down before they called triple zero for help, NSW Ambulance shelp this week.

The operation to free her from the “doubtful predicament” in the Hunter Valley on Saturday 12 October included a team of “multidisciplinary” materializency laborers.

They erased disjoinal burdensome boulders to produce a geted access point. Then, “with both feet now accessible”, the laborers directd the woman – aged in her punctual 20s – feet first up thraw a “firm S bfinish”, which took an hour.

Rescuers engaged a one-of-a-kindist thrivech to shift one 500kg boulder. Pboilingograph: NSW Ambulance

A one-of-a-kindist thrivech was engaged to shift one 500kg boulder. A challengingwood structure was also produceed to “guarantee stability” during the save.

“In my 10 years as a save paramedic I had never greeted a job quite appreciate this, it was challenging but incredibly rewarding,” one-of-a-kindist save paramedic Peter Watts shelp on Monday.

“Every agency had a role and we all labored incredibly well together to achieve a excellent outcome for the accomprehendledgeing.”

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The woman was freed with only insignificant scratches and bruises. Her phone could not be get backd, NSW Ambulance shelp.

The woman was trapped for seven hours but only suffered insignificant scratches and bruises. Pboilingograph: NSW Ambulance

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