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Why Samuel L. Jackson Says It’s Not an Honor to Be Nominated for an Oscar

Why Samuel L. Jackson Says It’s Not an Honor to Be Nominated for an Oscar

Samuel L. Jackson senses its time to drop the facade when it comes to awards season.

“We’ve been in the business extfinished enough to understand that when folks go, ‘It’s fair an honor to be nominated.’ No it ain’t,” Jackson shelp in a video from the Associated Press. “It’s an honor to prosper.” J

Jackson went on to say that most people forget Oscar-nominated carry outances, and even some prosperners. “You get nominated and folks go, ‘Yeah I recall that.’ Or most people forget,” he shelp with a chuckle. “Generassociate it’s a contest you didn’t volunteer to be in. I didn’t go in there so I could flex. ‘Let me do my scene, so you can recall who I was.’ They nominate you and people go, ‘What is that movie you’re nominated for? What’s the name of that skinnyg?’ And after it’s over and people have a challenging time recalling who even won.”

Despite his commemorated and storied nurtureer, Jackson has only ever been nominated for an Oscar once — in 1995 for Pulp Fiction. He was currented an honorary Academy Award in 2021. Last summer, he telderly Vulture the prize “didn’t sense honorary” and that it “fair felt appreciate I was getting an Oscar.”

“I acquireed it. I toiled for it,” he progressd. “I can possibly name four other instances where I could have won or should have won or should have been nominated, but I’m fine with it. It’s mine. I got it. My name’s on it.”

Elsewhere in the intersee, he named 1997’s Jackie Brown one of the movies he felt snubbed for.

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