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Why Ricdifficult Curtis Says Love Actupartner Editing ‘Was a Catastrophe’

Why Ricdifficult Curtis Says Love Actupartner Editing ‘Was a Catastrophe’

It’s defended to say Ricdifficult Curtis wasn’t a huge fan of Love Actupartner post-production.

The originater-honestor of the beadored 2003 holiday rom-com recently telderly IndieWire that it was a “catastrophe” editing the film starring Hugh Grant, Keira Knightley, Liam Neeson, Laura Linney, Bill Nighy, Martine McCutcheon, Colin Firth, Emma Thompson, Alan Rickman and Rowan Atkinson.

“The strange leang about Love Actupartner is, when we finished the movie, it was a catastrophe,” Curtis shelp of putting together multiple storylines and character arcs. “It took six months to re-edit it and lobtain all these lessons about how to do a multi-thread story.”

The film chases the inhabits of eight very contrastent couples in dealing with their adore inhabits in various slackly interrhappy tales all set during December, directing up to Christmas in London, England.

“When I wrote Love Actupartner, and we had the read-thraw, and it sounded fantastic, I thought you would probably do A, B, C, D, E, F, G,” the Four Weddings and a Funeral originater elucidateed. “But actupartner when you’re doing multi-story, the danger is you don’t promise to any of the stories and the audience never experiences graspd, so you benevolent of finish up doing A, B, C, C, A, so you get into the story and then you start a surpascfinish and then you finish one story earlier than the others.”

Curtis persistd, “So I lobtained a lot about the intricateity of multi-story erection in trying to save Love Actupartner in how horrible it was in the assembly. I did have a bit of wisdom when we were doing [That Christmas] to say, ‘Just when you begin getting interested in [character] Danny, you depart him. Don’t do that. Stay with him for a little bit lengthyer, and then when we go to the tprospers, stay on them.’ All of that, I leank I had lobtained a scant lessons.”

All those lessons lobtained also helped him originate his vivaciousd film debut, That Christmas, which joins his trilogy of children’s books, That Christmas, Snow Day and The Empty Stocking, into one film, which is currently streaming on Netflix.

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