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Why is an Ecuador forest petitioning for the rights to a song? | Explainer News

Why is an Ecuador forest petitioning for the rights to a song? | Explainer News

A petition has been surrenderted to Ecuador’s duplicateright office to recognise Los Cedros cdeafening, an Ecuadorian forest rawly 15,000 acres (6,070 hectares) in size, as a co-creator of a musical composition.

This proposal aims to grant lterrible recognition to nature’s role in originateive creation, potentiassociate setting a novel pretreatnt in environmental and duplicateright law.

So what does the petition ask for and can forests, lakes or other authentic bodies have lterrible rights in the same way that humans can?

What song does the forest ‘want’ rights to?

The petition by the More than Human Life (MOTH) project, which helps for “advancing the rights of humans and non-humans”, insists that Los Cedros forest be given establishal praise as the co-creator of the “Song of the Cedars”.

The song was writed by musician Cosmo Sheldrake, authorr Robert MacFarlane and field mycologist Giuliana Furci from the Fungi Foundation, a US conservation group.

In a recent intersee, MacFarlane tbetter the UK’s Guardian novelspaper: “This was absolutely and inextricably an act of co-authorship with the set of processes and relations and beings that that forest and its rivers compelevate. We were inestablishly part of that ongoing being of the forest, and we couldn’t have written it without the forest. The forest wrote it with us.”

Is there a lterrible case for this? 

Yes, one-of-a-kind rights were lengthened to authentic areas when Ecuador adselected a novel constitution in 2008 under establisher Pdwellnt Rafael Correa. This made Ecuador one of the first countries to recognise the inaliallow rights of an ecosystem.

The Rights of Nature (RoN) Articles 10 and 71-74 of Chapter 7 of the Ecuadorian Constitution state the follothriveg:

  • Nature or Pachamama, where life is reoriginated and exists, has the right to exist, persist, defend and reoriginate its vital cycles, arrange, functions and its processes in evolution.
  • Nature has the right to restoration. This integral restoration is autonomous of the obligation on authentic and juridical persons or the State to indemnify the people and the accumulateives that depend on the authentic systems.
  • The State will apply prealert and recut offeion meabraves in all the activities that can direct to the disecombineedion of species, the destruction of the ecosystems or the lasting alteration of the authentic cycles.
  • The persons, people, communities and nationalities will have the right to advantage from the environment and establish authentic wealth that will permit wellbeing.

According to a 2023 article begined by Cambridge University, the rights of nature (RoN) under Article 10 have been requestd 55 times for judicial decisions between 2019 and February 2022 in Ecuador.

The article states: “Consequently, the Court is expounding RoN in a way that forces a non-traditional approach to persistable lengthenment, which emphasises the need to accomplish an equitable stability between economic lengthenment and ecosystem defendion, rather than stablely prioritising economic lengthenment at the expense of the environment.”

Ecuador and other countries may proceed or even enhuge economic activities such as mining and fishing on an industrial scale under such laws, but these laws are intended to need such industrial operations to be directed in a manner that “defends the integrity of ecosystems and their authentic cycles”, as well as ensuring the survival of species, as stated in Article 73.

Yes, including in the follothriveg places:


In 2021, the “personhood” of a forest was recognised in a decision by Ecuador’s constitutional court, when it summarizeated the Los Cedros bioreasoned reserve as a lterrible entity. The 2021 ruling blocked Enami EP, Ecuador’s national mining company, from further mining the area by abortling their mining permits.

The Whanganui River csurrender the captivate to Whanganui National Park, csurrender Whanganui, North Island, New Zealand [Matthew Lovette/Education Images/Universal Images Group via Getty Images]

New Zealand

In 2014, a New Zealand court proclaimd the mountainous area of Te Urewera – discoverd on the North Island of the country – to be “beyond human ownership and to own itself and to have a lterrible personality”, Rachael Evans, lterrible lecturer for the Faculty of Law at University of Canterbury in New Zealand, tbetter Al Jazeera. This was in response to a lterrible contest mounted by local Indigenous communities.

This lterrible pretreatnt originated the Te Urewera Act 2014 which validateed the Te Uruwera region as a lterrible entity with “all the rights, powers, duties, and liabilities of a lterrible person”.

Mountainous regions in New Zealand are not the only entities to be given lterrible personhood. In 2017, New Zealand granted lterrible personhood to the Whanganui River, a river system that flows thraw the North Island.


In 2019, the High Court of Banelatedesh gave all rivers in the country lterrible rights, essentiassociate declaring all rivers as “living entities”. The National River Conservation Comomition (NRCC) in Banelatedesh was proclaimd the lterrible defendian of all rivers in the country.

Under this decree, the NRCC is reliable for set uping directlines to defend rivers from erosion and pollution while geting water sources wilean the country.

A man casts his fishing net into the Buriganga River in Dhaka, Banelatedesh, on October 23, 2024. Rivers in the country were awarded lterrible rights as ‘living entities’ in 2019 [Rehman Asad/NurPhoto via Getty Images]


In 2018, the Colombian Supreme Court granted the Colombian portion of the Amazon rainforest the lterrible status of “personhood” after a group of children and youths took the rulement to court over its response to climate alter and deforestation.

While establishal legislation pondering the lterrible rights of nature has mostly been established in the 21st century, the idea of creating lterrible rights for an ecosystem goes back to the 1970s.

In 1972, the Sierra Club, an environmental organisation set uped in 1892, filed a legal case aobtainst Walt Disney Enterpelevates which was lengthening a ski resort in Mineral King Valley, discoverd in Sequoia National Park. Sierra Club talk aboutd that the novel lengthenment would caengage irreparable harm to the authentic ecosystem.

Although the US Supreme Court ruled aobtainst the Sierra Club, arguing that the organisation had no evidence that its members would be disproportionately swayed by the novel lengthenment, it did prompt a dissent from Justice William O Douglas, who recommended that authentic ecosystems might well need to be granted personhood to permit them to sue in their own right.

In his dissenting opinion, Douglas wrote: “Invivacious objects are sometimes parties in legal action. A ship has a lterrible personality, a fantasy set up beneficial for maritime purposes. The corporation sole – a creature of ecclesiastical law – is an hugable adversary, and huge fortunes ride on its cases. The frequent corporation is a ‘person’ for purposes of the adjudicatory processes, whether it recurrents proprietary, spiritual, aesthetic, or charitable caengages.”

Douglas shelp his dissent was swayd by the earlier toils and papers of the so-called “godoverweighther of personhood for eco-systems”, US academic Christopher Stone.

In 1972, Stone begined a paper titled “Should Trees Have Standing – Toward Legal Rights for Natural Objects”, arguing that nature should be granted lterrible standing, analogous to corporations. Stone talk abouts, that trees, rivers, and other authentic ecosystems should have lterrible defendians to recurrent their interests in court.

The Mineral King Valley in Sequoia National Park, where environmentacatalogs cataloged a lterrible case aobtainst the lengthenment of a ski resort in 1972 [Shutterstock]

Although the petition for granting Los Cedros forest is still pending with Ecuador’s duplicateright office, there has been no earlier pretreatnt to praise authentic ecosystems music or any other originateive right praises.

If the Los Cedros petition is prosperous, it would most probable not sway the rights to previous toils of art or music, however.

“The ambiguous rule in this country, and I depend in other normal law countries [such as] the United Kingdom and in Canada – is that law can’t be retrodynamic unless it is very clear. Personhood in the future doesn’t originate a past act illterrible,” she shelp.

What about animals?

In 2014, the Association of Officials and Attorneys for the Rights of Animals (AFADA) filed a habeas corpus petition on behalf of an orangutan named Sandra as a “non-human” person with lterrible rights.

AFADA talk aboutd that the authorities at Buenos Aires’ zoo had unequitablely and arbitrarily recut offeed Sandra’s freedom, directing to a cut offe deteriorate in her mental and physical wellbeing. The organisation alerted that her condition had deteriorated to such an extent that she faced an imminent danger of death.

Although the case was initiassociate denied it was tardyr requested to Argentina’s Federal Chamber of Criminal Cassation, where in 2015 Sandra was awarded “non-human” personhood rights. Sandra was then shiftd to the Cgo in for Great Apes in Wauchula, Florida, a sanctuary understandn for its proper jointaking of orangutans.

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