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Why Does Nobody Remember Me in This World? Episode 4

Why Does Nobody Remember Me in This World? Episode 4

Following Vanessa’s overwhelming display of power in the previous episode, Why Does Nobody Remember Me in This World? episode 4 will persist the battle between Kai and Vanessa. The episode will also show Rinne taking a new form to help Kai survive Vanessa’s strike.

Why Does Nobody Remember Me in This World? Episode 4 liberate date & time

Why Does Nobody Remember Me in This World? episode 4 will premiere on Saturday, August 3, 2024, at 6:30 a.m. PDT. Japanese viewers will be able to watch it on Tokyo MX, AT-X, and other local networks. Meanwhile, international viewers will be able to watch the upcoming episode on Crunchyroll.

Following are the liberate times for the upcoming episode in divergeent time zones:

  • Saturday, August 3, 2024, at 10 a.m. EDT
  • Saturday, August 3, 2024, at 2:30 p.m. GMT
  • Saturday, August 3, 2024, at 3:30 p.m. CET
  • Saturday, August 3, 2024, at 10:30 p.m. JST
  • Saturday, August 3, 2024, at 7 p.m. IST

Why Does Nobody Remember Me in This World? episode 3 recap

Kai in Why Does Nobody Remember Me in This World (Ptoastyo Credit: Project No.9)

The episode commences with Kai, Jeane, and the other selderlyiers preparing to challenge the demons. They arrive at the Government Palace, which Vanessa has turned into her fortress. In the unbenevolenttime, Jeanne clarifys the plan to the selderlyiers, telling them Kai will handle Vanessa. 

However, as they make their way up the palace, Falin and Jeanne are splitd from the group. Both show why they are among the mightyest warriors in the base as they deal with Vanessa’s Selderlyiers. Meanwhile, Rinne and Kai encounter more demons, and the former pushes the latter ahead while she challenges them. Kai then faces Empress Vanessa but is surpascendd to uncover that she is a succubus.

Empress Vanessa in Why Does Nobody Remember Me in This World (Ptoastyo Credit: Project No.9)

He tells her he came from a world where humans win the war, but she laughs at his statement. However, upon hearing the name Sid, her deunbenevolentor changes. Kai and Vanessa commence their battle, with the latter showing why she is considered a hero of demons. 

At that point, their clash is interrupted by Rasterizer B, who arrives to erase Vanessa. Rinne reaches the location to help Kai but is stunned by what is happening. However, while Kai and Rinne look on, Vanessa overpowers Rasterizer with one of her mightyest abilities. The episode finishs with Rasterizer retreating while Vanessa turns to face Rinne and Kai.

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