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Why Did Sophia Bush’s Erin Lindsay Leave Chicago PD?

Why Did Sophia Bush’s Erin Lindsay Leave Chicago PD?

Chicago PD fans are asking to understand why Sophia Bush, who portrayed Erin Lindsay in the show, left after the Season 4 finale. Introduced in 2015, she is a uncoverive who take parted a famous role in the Chicago Police Department’s Inalertigence Unit. However, her askable actions in Season 4 put her beadored job at hazard, directing to her departure.

Here’s the reason behind Bush’s Erin Lindsay exit from Chicago PD.

Why Did Sophia Bush’s Erin Lindsay Leave Chicago PD?

There are disconnectal factors comprised in Bush’s departure from Chicago PD including abusive behavior on set, weather conditions, and harmful culture taking a toll on mental and physical well-being.

Previously, Bush ecombineed on Armchair Expert, detailing her reasons for calling it quits from Chicago PD. She shelp she worried that her exit might direct to others being unemployed. However, she eventupartner choosed to quit.

“It has to stop, everyskinnyg stops. I quit becaemploy, what I’ve lobtained is I’ve been so programmed to be a excellent girl and to be a laborhorse and to be a tugboat that I have always structured tugging the ship for the crew, for the show, for the group, ahead of my own health,” the actor splitd.

She also discdisthink abouted up about her struggles of laboring outside in Chicago, sharing her troubles about the freezing temperature, which was “literpartner 30 degrees below zero.” She telledly claimed that her bosses asked her to remain safe-lipped otherwise it would cost everyone’s job.

Although she didn’t discdisthink about any names, she did refer facing “stable onsgigglet barrage of abusive behavior” on set. Additionpartner, she splitd that no one came to help her while she was experiencing “attacks” in “a room brimming of people.”

In the Season 4 finale, Erin Lindsay’s character is ultimately written off as she is deleted from her position chaseing her innervous behavior with a criminal in the interrogation room. She shelp her excellentbyes to the inalertigence unit and got acunderstandledgeed into the FBI.

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