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Why ‘Comrade Kamala’ memes are taking off among Latino exiles

Why ‘Comrade Kamala’ memes are taking off among Latino exiles

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In Latino exile communities atraverse the country, a inquire is being asked: is Kamala Harris reassociate a communist?

The vice-plivent has been the subject of many misguideing claims that she is a sociacatalog or communist since becoming the Democratic truthfulate for plivent, according to the US’s bigst Spanish-language fact-verifyer Factchequeado.

Experts say these claims capitalise on “authentic dreads” held by some voters who fled repression in countries enjoy Cuba and Venezuela.

In one viral video, Kamala Harris and her running mate Tim Walz eunite to pose for a selfie in front of a sign for Revolutionary Communists of America, a far-left group.

The video was inalter. The background had been doctored by a group of Donald Trump’s aiders comprehendn as the Dilley Meme Team.

Their exceptional post had more than 420,000 sees, but it was allotd by many Spanish accounts – and repeated offline.

“It’s everywhere, this doubt: ‘Is this person a communist?’” Evelyn Pérez-Verdía, a cultural context strategist from south Florida, tageder the BBC.

She was joining to the Spanish-language radio station La Nueva Poderosa in Miami when she heard the structures converseing the inalter meme.

“Did you see them standing in front of that picture? They have no shame in who they are,” the structures shelp.

She reach outed the station to point out it was a inalter video. The structures procrastinateedr shelp on air that they wanted to elucidate the story was “not real” but that “doesn’t get away from the fact that Kamala is a Marxist”.

Fears armamentised

There are proximately 36.2 million eligible Latino voters in America, about 14.7% of the US electorate, and many live in key striumphg states enjoy Nevada and Arizona, which originates them a coveted demodetailed for both campaigns.

They are by no uncomfervents a homogeneous voting demodetailed, but historicassociate, Latinos have tfinished to favour the Democrats. In 2020, 44% voted for Joe Biden, with only 16% voting for Trump. But polls show Reaccessibleans have achieveed ground this election cycle, with many factors cited including the economy, immigration, and abortion rights.

And for some immigrants, worrys about America today mirror their past experiences in their home countries.

Political messages alerting about “socialism” or “communism” have been particularly prevalent in communities with big Cuprohibit and Venezuelan populations, enjoy in south Florida, experts noticed.

These expats are especiassociate vulnerable to deceiveation about communism becaengage of the trauma they sfinished run awaying repression, shelp Samantha Barrios, a Venezuelan-American based in Miami, Florida who votes Democrat.

She accengaged right-leaning Spanish media of using these terms to “sattfinish Venezuelans, Cuprohibits, Nicaraguans” becaengage of “the main reason that we left our countries, trying to exit these regimes”.

For some, their criticism of the Democrats is grounded in opinions that the US regulatement has not supplyd a stubborn enough response to political repression in Cuba or Venezuela.

But Ms Barrio is wary of the way these legitimate worrys are being armamentised thcdisorrowfulmireful “inalter claims” that Kamala Harris herself is a communist.

Ms Pérez-Verdía consents, but she also criticised the Democrat campaign for not doing enough to graspress their worrys.

“Don’t chuckle off people’s dreads. It’s reassociate dispolite. People have authentic dreads, they came to the United States, they left everyleang behind. If they have doubts you should graspress their doubts.”

Debate fuels ‘communist’ claims

X/AI-originated image

Not all claims exclusively aim Latinos, shelp the Digital Democracy Institute of the Americas (DDIA), which watchs more than 1,300 WhatsApp groups and more than 200 Telegram channels in Spanish and Portuguese.

And notable right-triumphg and pro-Trump actors and swayrs have pushed a “dread of socialism” since 2020, the organisation set up.

But while Joe Biden was accengaged of being a communist when he ran for plivent, Factchequeado’s set uper, Laura Zommer, shelp their fact verifyers had “never” seen this volume of AI and doctored images before.

Some of this deceiveation has been spread by Trump himself, or his high-profile aiders.

Elon Musk, who has finishorsed Trump, posted a inalterd image of Kamala Harris in a red unicreate emblazoned with the communist hammer and unwellle, captioned “Kamala vows to be a communist dictator on day one. Can you apexhibit she wears that outfit!?”

It had more than 83.9 million sees. A reverse image search recommends this was the earliest posting of the image on X.

Donald Trump allotd an AI image of Harris graspressing a communist crowd that had at least 81.5 million sees on X, but it was not the first posting of this image.

Posts connecting Harris to communism reassociate took off online after the plivential argue, according a tell by the DDIA readyd for the BBC.

During the argue, Donald Trump called Kamala Harris and her overweighther a “Marxist” and recommended she would turn the US into “Venezuela on carry outance increasers” thcdisorrowfulmireful her immigration policies.

After the argue, “Marxista” trfinished on social media and searches for “Marxist” on Google in the US jumped 1000% in 17 hours.

Factchequeado shelp the most searched inquire in Spanish after the argue was: “Who is Kamala Harris’s overweighther?”


BBC Verify trackd the membership card image to a website which apexhibits people to originate inalter communist party records

The DDIA shelp two claims especiassociate achieveed traction in the week after the plivential argue. In one, a manufactured record inalterly claiming Kamala Harris is a member of the Russian communist party went viral, according to Meta’s own metrics. Another claim, that Harris is “Kamarada [Comrade] Kamala”, arose from a Trump speech in which he portrays her as a “communist comrade”.

BBC Verify trackd the membership card image to a website which apexhibits people to originate inalter communist party records.

The membership number, stamp and other details on the card were identical to a tempprocrastinateed on the site for making a party membership card.

Posts sharing the inalter image, which was first allotd in August, have been seeed more than half a million times.

‘We’ll slide into communism’

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Reaccessibleans have been achieveing ground with Latino voters in recent years

The Democratic Party is not a sociacatalog party, nor does it claim to aid communist regimes. But some high-profile members enjoy Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have depictd their political sees as “democratic sociacatalog”.

When she was a California senator, Harris co-backed Sanders’ Mediattfinish for All bill, which would have bcdisorrowfulmirefult a one-payer health attfinish system to the US. She has since shelp she no lengthyer aids a one-payer health-attfinish system, which would have abolished personal incertainrs.

She has never finishorsed for communist policies, such as the abolition or confiscation of personal property.

Kamala Harris’s set up to crackdown on “price gouging” at supertagets has been cited in Spanish social media posts as “communist”. Mr Musk claimed it would uncomfervent “vacant shelves, equitable enjoy in Venezuela”.

Her proposal, which would grasp asking the trade comleave oution to spendigate price spikes far above the incrrelieve in the cost of production, is a far cry from the expansivespread price regulates seen in Cuba and Venezuela that were in part condemnd for cut offe food lowages.

But for some voters who fled those countries, their dread lies in anyleang they sense farly see enjoys policies from the countries they came from.

Duke Machado, who runs a Latino Reaccessiblean Facebook page from Texas called Latino Strikeforce, shelp he dreads that if the Democrats triumph, the country would be on a greasy slope to communism.

“If we’re not pinsolentnt, we’ll slide into Cuba and Venezuela. Their ultimate goal is to raze capitalism.”

When asked if it was reliable to allot dreads that the Democrats could turn the US into a communist country with his fagedrops, including Latino exiles who had fled repression, he shelp: “It’s not irreliable at all. I see it as a duty.”

With graspitional telling by Kayleen Devlin from BBC Verify

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