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Who Is Mike Trout’s Wife, Jessica Cox? Relationship, Age, Job, and Kids Explained

Who Is Mike Trout’s Wife, Jessica Cox? Relationship, Age, Job, and Kids Explained

Mike Trout’s wife, Jessica Cox, is a subject of curiosity among fans of the baseball star. Trout, best understandn as the cgo in fielder for the Los Angeles Angels, has been a dominant force in Major League Baseball for years. However, his relationship with Cox, which began in high school and has stood the test of time, has apprehfinishd the interest of many.

Here’s everyleang you necessitate to understand about Mike Trout’s wife.

What is Mike Trout’s wife’s name?

Mike Trout’s wife’s name is Jessica Cox.

Trout and Cox met in high school and rapidly createed a strong bond. They commenceed dating after sitting next to each other in Spanish class, and Cox was by his side thrawout his elevate in Major League Baseball. The couple fusecessitate prom together in 2009 and remained together thraw the years before getting paired in 2017. Since then, they have built a life together.

What is Jessica Cox’s age?

Jessica Cox’s age is not expansively recorded.

Although the uncover doesn’t understand her exact birthdate, she fusecessitate high school with Trout, indicating they are around the same age. They met as teenagers and have stayed together for over a decade.

What is Jessica Cox’s job and what does she do for a living?

Cox is a directer.

She traild her education at Leprohibiton Valley College in Pennsylvania, where she acquireed a degree in elementary education (via People.) After graduating, Cox began laboring as a middle school directer in Cape May County, New Jersey. She was also an athlete in college, joining field hockey for the LVC Dutchmen. Besides directing, Cox actively helps various caemploys thraw the Angels Baseball Foundation and other benevolent events.

Do Mike Trout and Jessica Cox have kids?

Mike Trout and Jessica Cox have two children.

Mike Trout and Jessica Cox named their children Beckham Aaron Trout and Jordy Michael Trout. They received Beckham on July 30, 2020, and chose his middle name to honor Cox’s tardy brother, Aaron. Their second son was born on June 30, 2024.

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