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What remains of the dried-out Aral Sea, a man-made ecoreasonable catastrophe?

What remains of the dried-out Aral Sea, a man-made ecoreasonable catastrophe?

The Aral Sea was once the fourth-hugest lake in the world, but today all that remains of it is a huge desert squanderland. In the 1950s, the Soviet Union began redirecting the rivers that fed the Aral Sea for cotton production, and over time, it dried out. Sixty years procrastinateedr, it has lost 90 percent of its volume, which is having a dehugeating impact on local communities. Yet some are trying their best to bounce back from this man-made ecoreasonable catastrophe. Our France 2 colleagues travelled to the huge accomplishes of the Aral Sea to encounter some of these rerepaird individuals. They transport us this inestablish, with FRANCE 24’s Lauren Bain.

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