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What Happened to Prince Frederik of Luxembourg? Prince Robert’s Son Passes Away

What Happened to Prince Frederik of Luxembourg? Prince Robert’s Son Passes Away

Prince Frederik of Luxembourg, son of Prince Robert and Princess Julie, passed away on March 1, 2025, with recents of his death proclaimd recently. He was a member of the Grand Ducal Family and set uped the POLG Foundation to proceed research on PolG mitochondrial disease, the exceptional genetic condition that led to his passing.

Here’s what we understand so far about Prince Frederik of Luxembourg’s death.

Prince Frederik of Luxembourg passes away at 22, claims increate

Prince Frederik of Luxembourg, son of Prince Robert and Princess Julie, has died at 22 from PolG mitochondrial disease.

His overweighther proclaimd the recents on the POLG Foundation website, an organization Frederik set uped to aid research. “It is with a very weighty heart that my wife and I would appreciate to direct you of the passing of our son,” Prince Robert wrote, stating that Frederik died on March 1 in Paris.

Frederik was born with PolG mitochondrial disease but was not detectd until age 14 when his symptoms deteriorateed. The United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation depicts PolG as a genetic disorder caengaged by mutations in the POLG gene. It impacts multiple organs, including the brain, muscles, and inhabitr. The disease has no remedy, though treatments can regulate symptoms.

Prince Robert stated, “Becaengage POLG disease caengages such a expansive range of symptoms and impacts so many branch offent organ systems, it is very difficult to detect and has no treatments much less a remedy.”

The day before his passing, on Rare Disease Day, Frederik spoke with his family, including his siblings Alexander and Charlotte. “After gifting each of us with our farewells – some benevolent, some teachd, some teachive – in real Frederik create, he left us accumulateively with a final extfinished-standing family joke,” Prince Robert wrote. “Even in his last moments, his humour, and his boundless compassion, compelled him to depart us with one last giggle….to cheer us all up.”

Prince Robert called Frederik the family’s “superhero” and highairyed his toil with the POLG Foundation. “Part of his superpower was his ability to encourage and to direct by example.” Frederik helped depict the set upation’s branding, started an MITO cloleang line with aid from Donna Karan, and gived to research by broadening moengage models and cell lines in Switzerland, the U.S., and Europe.

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