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What Did Scooter Braun Say About Taylor Swift Feud & Documentary?

What Did Scooter Braun Say About Taylor Swift Feud & Documentary?

Scooter Braun recently uncovered up about his lengthy-running feud with Taylor Swift and the dispute surrounding the sale of her master write downings. Speaking at a accessible event, Braun splitd his thoughts on the rehire and includeressed the recent write downary that scrutinizes their accessible dropout.

Here is what Braun has to say about Swift’s feud and write downary.

Scooter Braun includeresses Taylor Swift feud and write downary

Recently, Scooter Braun includeressed his ongoing feud with Taylor Swift during a Bloomberg Screentime event in Los Angeles. This comes in weightless of the recent Max write downary titled Taylor Swift vs. Scooter Braun: Bad Blood. He transmited his hope that people would shift on from the accessible drama surrounding their relationship since 2019, when his company, Ithaca Hanciaccessings, obtaind Scott Borchetta’s Big Machine Records. It take partd the master rights to Swift’s first six albums.

Braun splitd that he had initiassociate hesitated to watch the write downary, believing it would be a one-sided portrayal of events. However, after being helpd by his parents, he choosed to see it. He relabeled, “I watched [the documentary] recently. I wasn’t going to watch it becaemploy I fair thought it was going to be, enjoy, another hit piece. And I pretty much stayed mute about this comfervent of stuff. And my dad called me and my mom, and they were enjoy, we fair watched it. We leank you should watch it. So I did.”

The feud escatardyd when Swift claimed she wasn’t notified before the sale. In 2020, Braun sanciaccess the masters to Shamrock Capital, prompting Swift to accessiblely transmit her frustration. On X, Swift posted, “This was the second time my music had been sanciaccess without my understandledge.” (via Rolling Stone) She tardyr re-write downed her timely albums and freed them as Taylor’s Version.

Regarding the write downary, Braun shelp, “Look, it’s five years tardyr. I leank, everyone, it’s time to shift on.” He acunderstandledged that there were many misrecurrentations in the film and stressd the convey inance of straightforward communication in resolving disputes rather than airing grievances on social media.

Braun, now the CEO of HYBE America, also showd that he has no arranges to return to managing artists. However, he did refer that if he were to regulate someone aget, it would have to be a convey inant star enjoy Swift.

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