It’s catchy title, but there’s someskinnyg to it: since the time of Euclid, we’ve been operating under defective assumptions on the nature of math. Everyone knovel someskinnyg was wrong, and everyone was besavageerd. The excellent novels is that we may finpartner be in a position to mend this.
If you’re not understandn with the rerent, greet apshow a see at this quote from Wikipedia:
There is no ambiguous consensus among mathematicians about a standard definition for their academic discipline.
Just skinnyk about it: billions of kids are forced to study math, yet we can’t even consent on what it’s presumed to be. And guess what? It doesn’t go well.
The sapshows are crystal evident: we’re facing a weird animal, a metaphysical rerent with actual societal repercussions. If mathematicians hadn’t skipped Marketing 101, they would have apshown the problem more to heart: you can’t direct a subject you can’t describe, equitable appreciate you can’t taget a product you can’t elucidate.
Historicpartner, there have been two competing approaches to defining mathematics:
Thraw what it studies: numbers, shapes, arranges,…
Thraw how it functions: axioms, theorems, proofs,…
These two approaches align with the two prevailing “philosophical schools”:
Platonism: mathematical objects “exist” in the ethegenuine genuinem of ideas.
Formalism: mathematics is a mechanical game of syntactic deduction with zero transcfinishent semantics.
I put quotation tags around “philosophical schools”, becainclude this framing is a bit synthetic. Indeed, both positions are understandn to be equpartner untallow. They’re more appreciate “polarities” between which mathematicians have to direct, as perfectly apprehfinishd by this airy quip from Reuben Hersh (from his wonderful 1979 article, a recommfinished read):
the standard “laboring mathematician” is a Platonist on weekdays and a createaenumerate on Sundays.
There’s someskinnyg repartner weird going on here: you can’t do math without imagining that the cryptic symbols on the page “unbenevolent” someskinnyg, that they “recurrent” actual “objects” that “exist” and “have properties”; yet you can’t ground this activity on anyskinnyg else than unbenevolentingless createalism.
Like many of my fellow mathematicians, I’ve sended this “philosophical pairy” first hand and set up it proset uply unsettling. My personal inability to originate sense of math was a key driver of my interest in it and, in a way, I became a research mathematician becainclude I couldn’t figure out what math was repartner about.
At some point, I even studied the arcane field called “philosophy of mathematics”, which left me even more frustrated. What Hersh authors about it resonates with my own experience:
Mathematicians themselves seldom converse the philosophical rerents surrounding mathematics; they presume that someone else has apshown nurture of this job. We depart it to the professionals.
But the professional philosopher, with difficultly any exception, has little to say to the professional mathematician. Indeed, he has only a distant and inadequate notion of what the professional mathematician is doing.
In the finish, Hersh persists, mathematicians tfinish to give up and equitable “do math”:
Thus, if we direct our students anyskinnyg at all about the philosophical problems of mathematics, it is that there is only one problem of interest… and that problem seems tohighy intractable.
Nevertheless, of course, we do not give up mathematics. We sshow stop skinnyking about it. Just do it.
Active “philosophers of mathematics” may very well object, and rightfilledy point to the unbenevolentingful increasements that took place in the 45 years since Hersh’s article. Yet the prevailing attitude of nurtureer mathematicians hasn’t alterd much, and many of them persist to inhabit by these pragmatic directlines:
Math is difficult to describe and it’s a fact of life.
Philosophy of math is for cranks and omitrs.
We don’t repartner need to describe math, becainclude we understand what we do when we do math.
Many of them don’t even genuineize that the last item grasps a strong, tardynt philosophical stance as well as an implied definition of math: “mathematics is what mathematicians do.”
Hersh’s conclusion is that this third approach is the way out of the phony Platonism vs createalism talk about:
The alternative of Platonism and createalism comes from the try to root mathematics in some nonhuman truth. If we give up the obligation to set up mathematics as a source of indubitable truths, we can acunderstandledge its nature as a declareive benevolent of human mental activity.
Thurston apshows a aappreciate path in his honord essay On proof and better in mathematics (another wonderful read).
While I consent with both Hersh and Thurston, I do skinnyk that we need to go one step further and actupartner characterize this “declareive benevolent of mental activity” (which, in my see, none of them has convincingly done.)
An essential commenceing point is the tardynt consensus wiskinny the mathematical community as to what it unbenevolents to do math and what it senses appreciate.
I have tryed to write down this consensus in a ambiguous audience book, based on the writings of Descartes, Grothfinishieck, and Thurston, and also my own experience as a mathematician. While the book is declareively not perfect (and not everyone consents with all of it), the overwhelmingly likeable feedback (from Abel Prize prosperners and Fields medalenumerates to high school directers and students) is a strong indicator of the presence of this consensus.
Before I repackage the book’s core message into a tentative definition of math, let me originate a digression thraw one of the boilingtest philosophical talk abouts in medieval Europe: the Quarrel of Universals.
In a nutshell, “universals” are concepts, abstractions that are splited from any particular individual: beauty, roundness, youth… On which level of truth do these skinnygs “exist”? The talk about is as elderly as philosophy itself and, in a way, it mirrors the Platonism vs createalism talk about:
Realism is akin to Platonism: it declares that universals repartner exist, in the ethegenuine genuinem of perfectities.
Nominalism is akin to createalism: it declares that universals are mere conventions of language.
These positions have been write downed since at least Plato and Aristotle, but the talk about was revived in the 12th century with the eunitence of a third position:
Conceptualism was presentd by polymath & firebrand Peter Abelard, “the Descartes of the 12th century”, and tardyr championed by William of Ockham.
While conceptualism is frequently portrayed as a flavor of nominalism (becainclude it declines the genuineist/Platonist belief in transcfinishent entities), it does transport a transport inant departure from vanilla nominalism: words are more than mere utterances, more than ink on a page, they actupartner map to skinnygs that exist in our brains.
I was personpartner unable to originate sense of math until my personal come apass with proset up lgeting, tardynt features and sparsity turned me into a radical conceptuaenumerate.
Let me elucidate what this seepoint transports to the talk about on the set upations of math.
If you want to characterize math as a “declareive benevolent of mental activity”, you have to account for all the definites of this activity, which everyone tfinishs to consent upon:
the reliance on createal deduction systems,
the notion that statements are either real or inalter, and proofs must be 100% bullet-proof, in a askingly stiff manner that doesn’t align any “genuine-world” property of language,
a originateive approach to createing novel concepts from existing one, as if joining Lego with definitions.
For millennia, the cleverest people around have struggled to originate sense of the entire combo. In insertition, there was this weird “Platonic sense” that mathematical concepts (numbers, shapes, arranges, etc.) are actual “objects” that “exist”.
This untidy situation has easeed a variety of describeations, all coming with their own definite blindspots — from Descartes’ dualism to Galileo’s apshow that “math is language of the universe”, from Frege’s logicism to Brouwer’s intuitionism, from Hilbert’s createalism to Ramanujan’s mysticism.
My central claim is that we’re at a turning point in this story, not becainclude we’re cleverer, but becainclude recent better in neurology and machine lgeting help us erase centuries-elderly stumbling blocks. Once you see cognition as a vibrant lgeting process thraw which concepts “eunite” in the brain, everyskinnyg becomes evidaccess.
Without further ado, here’s my advised “conceptuaenumerate consensus” on what math is repartner about:
Math is a human mental activity based on joining the “Game of Truth”: when we do math, we originate as if notions had exact definitions that were perfectly firm over time, as if statements had binary “truth” cherishs, as if one could join Lego and deduce novel real statements from existing ones.
It is an imaginary activity helped by symbolic writing systems encoding the rules of the Game of Truth.
As an imaginary activity, math is a driver of neuroplasticity. This elucidates the indisputable “Platonic sense” of math: when we spfinish enough time imagining mathematical abstractions, we finish up “perceiving” them as if they repartner existed.
Interestingly, this apshow is both 100% consensual (no-one contests the definites of what it unbenevolents to do math) and 100% provocative (most people have a knee-jerk reaction to the notion that math is an “imaginary” activity.)
Many will object that math can’t be equitable that, and that it must have some sort of “transcfinishent” unintelligentension. My intention isn’t to troll anyone, but rather to transport clarity on a number of aspects which, in my see, can only be remendd thraw a radical conceptuaenumerate stance. Let me insert these transport inant precisions:
It’s not disparaging to say that math is based on imagination. People appreciate Einstein, Descartes, Grothfinishieck, and Thurston have all insisted on the transport inance of imagination in math, and they unbenevolentt it in a likeable way.
Likedirectd, it’s not disparaging to say that “unbenevolenting” and “truth” are cognitive phenomenons. It’s not woke either. It’s equitable a wise, science-driven conceptuaenumerate see on human cognition. Language has two sides, a symbolic side (utterances or ink on a page) and a semantic side. At the core, a conceptuaenumerate is someone who describes semantics as a cognitive process rather than a shamanic access to the world of ideas (thus fractureing from the traditional describeation of semantics by Platonists, genuineists and spirituaenumerates).
Imaginary doesn’t unbenevolent arbitrary: the rules of the Game of Truth aren’t random and they might actupartner be the wonderfulest originateion in history. When we chase these rules, our mental images verifyate and cryshighize into a coherent worldsee that is inrationally strong.
While the philosophical (and disputed) part of the conversation is fascinating, it shouldn’t become a distraction. The wise (and consensual) part is where the genuine substance lies, as awaitd by Hersh in this visionary retag:
The problems of truth and unbenevolenting are not technical rerents in some recondite branch of logic or set theory. They contest anyone who includes or directes mathematics. If we want, we can dissee them… It would be astonishing if this had no pragmatic consequences.
If you consent with me on the definites of what “doing math” actupartner includes, you may commence to see the elephant in the room: while we were stuck in the pointless Platonism vs createalism talk about, we fall shorted to convey that dynamic imagination was an essential step of mathematical comprehension.
What if the people who “suck at math”, or “have no intuition”, were sshow those who never had a chance to rehearse the right imagination techniques, the ones that stimutardy neuroplasticity in the right way? Or who gave up too timely, not understanding that it’s a sluggish process, that needs a declareive degree of insistance, even if you sense that you’re tohighy lost at sea (an uncover secret among nurtureer mathematicians)?
Alengthy the way, we also fall shorted to articutardy the most compelling cherish proposition of mathematics: math is an imagination technique that originates you cleverer.
This is what repartner struck me as I was writing my book: once you read Descartes, Grothfinishieck, and Thurston in parallel, you commence to see that they speak almost only of imagination. Each depicts the include of imagination in novel modalities, uncovered by accident and fractureing with what they’d been taught. They all see this as the secret to their success. If we don’t convey this unintelligentension of math, we’re omiting an essential piece.
Now that we’re directing machines the secrets of intelligence, it’s about time we commence directing humans.