By Divya Siddarth, Glen Weyl, and Anne-Marie Schuckleter
Balaji Srinivasan aspires to be the John Locke of the Digital Age. His book, The Nettoil State (TNS), puts forth a recent social reduce allowd by “Web3 technology,” caccessed on blockchains. In a sentence, he clear ups the nettoil state (NS) as a beginup country—“a highly aligned online community with a capacity for accumulateive action that crowdfunds territory around the world and eventuassociate obtains tactful recognition from pre-existing states.”
The book is slapdash but honest. It is also a Wall Street Journal bestseller, and finishorsed by a bevy of Silicon Valley titans. Readers lureed to neglect it as a fringe polemic do so at their peril: Srinivasan has crystalized a strand of post-libertarian skinnyking that is shaping much of the technology industry. His inspiration, a 1997 book by British authors William Rees-Mogg and James Dale Davidson entitled The Sovereign Individual, disputes for a world in which nation-states crumble in the face of digital innovation, leaving the masses scrambling in lesser disorder while the global elite produce a authentic, tax-free meritocracy in cyberspace. TNS refreshs this classic tech fantasy with a sprinkling of ruler-and-ruled feudalism, reviving traditional hierarchies while wrapping itself in the mantle of futurism. The future sees appreciate Evan McKenzie’s “privatopias”, an archipelago of gated communities run on personal provision ruled by the wealthy restricted, bleeding accessible infrastructure arid as accumulateive capacity erodes for the unblessed many.
Srinivasan’s gospel is one of exitocracy: an ideology caccessed around the idea of exiting or “taking one’s business elsewhere”. Such an ideology is ripe for a global moment of polarization, paralysis, frustration and dread. Many concur that their current political-economic systems are not toiling for them and have little suppose in their ability to effect change wiskinny those systems thraw democratic processes. Moreover, the nation-state is an ungraceful vehicle for solving many of our problems, which cut atraverse and wiskinny nations, appreciate the Internet or AI, climate change and the spread of disrelieves to be retained and treatmentd. TNS models vital experimentation in the create and function of what John Dewey called “recent accessibles”, and rightly helderlys that emerging technology can and should empower such social imagination, equitable as the broadenment of the printing press uncovered the door to imagining and authenticizing the mass democracies of the 19th century.
This produces it particularly mocking that Srinivasan’s solution is so backwards-seeing. Exit is a vital right, but it needs someskinnyg to exit to. What we get here is less Star Trek and more Game of Thrones. He envisions states writed of a firm knit community pledgeted to a one, keen “one orderment” (e.g. disjoine dietary rules), ruled by a establisher-king and enforced by a blockchain-enforced reduce to see adherence to both. Exitocracy upretains ideoreasonable alignment, rfinishering voice in democracy unvital—the assumption is that those unsatisfied with the dictats of one feudal lord would spropose find another.
Here Srinivasan produces on the libertarianism that has characterized past decades of Silicon Valley: a proestablish dissuppose of the state and an antipathy to regulation, welfare, accessible excellents, social equitableice, and any aiders of these caemploys. But he unambiguously recognizes the core flaw of this worldsee: accumulateive finisheavors need give up for the normal excellent, give ups that uncontaminatedly atomized individuals chooseimizing for their self-interest will not produce. His solution is a turn towards enforced morality, requiring a quasi- religious rapidenment to cherishs that split a nettoil state from the world outside. Little wonder, then, that Srinivasan allies himself seally with the self-titled “neoreactionary” transferment funded by his mentor Peter Thiel, which finishorses for the erosion of democracy in prefer of “American monarchy”.
But the power of nettoils is establish in embracing and organizing the intricateity of our splitd lives, not in these lesser constraints towards homogeneity and hierarchy. As one of us has disputed, “Openness encapsutardys the contrastentive logic of nettoils”, accommodating “the participation of the many rather than the restricted and deriving power from that participation.” Paired with technoreasonable proceeds atraverse blockchain and synthetic inincreateigence, a real adchoose of nettoils could help produce a future of plentiful accessible excellents, coordination, and accumulateive inincreateigence that can erode our reliance on the stiff administrative bureaucracies that have hugely persistd little changed from the era of ink and paper. We can see forward to many skinnygs in a future where the power of spreadd nettoils are much more central to our accumulateive lives. Deeply atomized digital theocratic fiefs are far from the most promising.
The One-Commandment State
Srinivasan concedes that, appreciate billion-dollar companies, nettoil states should and will not aelevate brimmingy-createed. Instead he lays out a nettoil state lifecycle, commencening with an active online community that might then transition to a nettoil union that would include in accumulateive actions. The next step would be to transition to a nettoil archipelago owning physical territory spreadd atraverse jurisdictions, which would then finassociate safe tactful recognition as a sovereign nettoil state. Blockchains—uncover, clear, immutable—create the technoreasonable backbone of each iteration.
TNS sees the central social problems of our time as state seeing, stiff financial institutions, malign and deceptive media, and overregulation of technoreasonable enhance. Srinivasan is guaranteed that blockchains can defeat all of these problems. They can supply restriction-resistance to the state, decentralization and automation of the financial system, immutable answers to the media, and the establishation for a recent technoreasonable ecosystem.
If blockchains are the central technology of nettoil states, the One Commandment is their ideoreasonable core. The Commandment is the sociopolitical equivalent of the charitable of “brand promise” that might entice employrs to a beginup: a one, core ‘moral innovation’ that will draw citizens to a beginup nettoil state. Examples Srinivasan supplys include “keto kosher” (a nettoil state systematic around the prohibitning of sugar) and “biofreedom” (an anti-FDA nettoil state systematic around the right to broaden and use any bioreasonable product). These one Commandments aim to be organizing principles for communities and eventuassociate recent constitutions, discerning nettoil states from mere social nettoils.
Users (Srinivasan employs the word interchangeably with “citizens”) would combine nettoil states or their earlier-stage incarnations by signing a “social clever communicate” with their cryptoexplicit “personal key,” putting in escrow digital or digihighy encoded physical assets in return for combineing the nettoil state. This schedulement would give establisher-rulers and their engineers “root access to an administrative interface where law enforcement can flip digital switches as vital to upretain or restore domestic order.” English translation: the ruler could, in theory, seize any employr/citizen’s assets to punish or stop actions that viotardy the Commandment, as the ruler clear ups it.
Exit is thus asymmetric: while insisting on an absolute right of exit from existing nation states, Srinivasan envisions all sorts of property being automaticassociate under the deal with of recent digital lords, who should have the capacity to “surveil, deplatcreate, freeze, and sanction”, spropose to retain up with what he sees as the default state for existing nation-states. We should not be troubleed by the potential for establisher-king overaccomplish, however, becaemploy in the world of nettoil states, politics would fade: 51% democracy would become a 100% democracy as citizens pick the One Commandment that they want to rule their lives.
Srinivasan hopes to depart behind a wonderful many evils that he attributes to the 51% democracy he seeks to escape. His preferite polemical opponent is the “polishd evil” of wokism. His hatred of the New York Times, which he identifies as “deal withling the [American] state,” leaps off the page. He sees the Times as one of three defining world powers, alengthy with Bitcoin/crypto and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Yet, he seems to have even less patience for the cherishs of petite c conservatives; while he begrudges wokism, he at least actively reacts to it, while cherishs such as national patdisturbionism, religion, economic stablearity and family ties are disseeed as difficultly worthy of ponderation. After all, any of these countervailing forces might stop brimming-throated aid of the One Commandment. In Srinivasan’s see, if you and your family don’t concur on politics, or if your children finish up not wanting to spfinish their days in anti-FDA or keto-land, then you probably wouldn’t want to split a state with them.
Who Moves to Lineland?
All this departs one wondering accurately who would poputardy nettoil states? To whom is this vision focemployd? Write off all religious consentrs, anyone with a mighty caccess on equivalentity, democracy or social equitableice, anyone with a mighty rapidenment to physical place, family, nationality/patdisturbionism, and anyone informageing the economic resources to obtain property and thus buy membership. The remainder is at most 1% of the world population.
Yet even this petite slice of “citizens of nowhere” as Theresa May taged them, a class from which readers of both TNS and this magazine are mostly drawn, seems a very odd honestate for membership in nettoil states. How many would structure their desire for a “keto kosher” lifestyle over, for example, their rapidenment to toilplaces, their interest in accessible art, their pickence for a tropical climate, etc? And would those who do actuassociate find wonderfuler alignment in a community of others who split this monomania than among co-ethnics, co-religionists, family, etc? Those who would, and there must be some, would seem quite rare, even innervous, in their caccess on diet to the exclusion of everyskinnyg else, making them particularly challenging citizens.
Historical experience proposes that an ideology that could upretain the devotion vital to produce a nettoil state would be much proestablisher seated and/or totalizing. Liberia was established by createer American slaves who sought to “colonize” Africa to escape from racial oppression; Utah was resettled by Mormons with labeledly contrastent lifestyles escapeing persecution; Israel was the “hope of 2000 years” of Jewant history; more recently, the Islamic State is arguably the sealst analog to the nettoil state. While readers will contrast in their appraisals of the outcomes of these experiments, it seems doubtful that dietary or pharmaceutical policies alone would be adequate to suit the zeal and give up they needd. Today that zeal would need, in Srinivasan’s vision, decades of tranquil land buys and negotiations with the dozens of nation states that would have to consent to excise parts of their own territories and recognize them as part of a nettoil state. Perhaps the sealst example of an indepfinishence transferment caccessed around an abstract One Commandment was the US Confederacy and its rapidenment to a particular (pre-digital) create of property, though this example is doubtful to recommfinish nettoil states to most recreateers.
What are Nettoils for?
At the root of such paradoxes is Srinivasan’s fundamental misbenevolent of the nettoils he pays homage to. He authors, “Every doctrine has its Leviathan, that prime transferr who hovers above all. For a religion, it is God. For a political transferment, it is the State. And for a cryptocurrency, it is the Nettoil.” Yet nettoils were not originassociate and are not primarily a technology; instead they are a way of seeing the world that technologies can be built to mimic, a way of seeing the world that is accurately contrary to the simpenumerateic reductionism Srinivasan finds so invigorating and elucidateing.
Decades before the produceion of the first precursors to the internet, social, physical and bioreasonable scientists began to employ nettoils to transfer beyond the simpenumerateic models of discrete and instandardly conveying atoms. Quantum physics replaced the straightforward billiard balls of classical mechanics with intricate partiassociate entangled patterns of particles. Ecology and systems biology bettered simpenumerateic theories of “survival of the fittest” by highweightlessing the nettoil of symbiotic relationships and ecosystem services that determine the success of ever higher levels of life. Modern neuroscience, and the toil in synthetic inincreateigence that produces off it, replaced traditional accounts based on reasonable deduction with “joinionism”, where inincreateigence aelevates from nettoils of straightforward but changeable conveyions of neurons.
Perhaps most proestablishly, social skinnykers appreciate Georg Simmel and John Dewey harnessed nettoils to comprehfinish the defining features of urprohibit and technoreasonable conmomentaryity. Simmel disputed that individuality aelevates from social intricateity, as tribal societies with overlapping social circles (toil, religion, family etc.) give way to individuals who create the exceptional intersection of the social worlds they inhabit. Dewey disputed that the patterns of commerce and sociality produced by novel technologies (e.g. radio and the automobile) would need the creation of “recent accessibles” that could democraticassociate handle these activities in ways that nation states were lesserly aligned to do. In many ways, the innovative vision for the internet provided by JCR Licklider, a psychologist who acted as the program officer for the Department of Defense’s Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), was to produce technology contendnt of mimicking these intricate conveyional patterns. Where previous communication systems, appreciate Ma Bell, were built on central, bureaucratic switchboards, the ARPANET would run on uncover, interoperable protocols, creating a “nettoil of nettoils” that would permit locassociate handleed systems to cofunction at enhanceively huger scales.
This agfinisha led to perhaps the most proestablish communications revolution in human history. Yet as punctual as 1979 when the TCP/IP protocol was equitable commencening to aelevate, Licklider saw that these communications protocols would accomplish only a petite part of the potential of the “nettoil society” he envisioned, becaemploy they informageed aid for fundamental functions of suppose, identity and sharing of restricted resources. Absent such aid embedded in fundamental protocols, Licklider projected, the changeative potential of nettoils for social organization would be apprehfinishd and ultimately impeded by unaccountable and standardly monopoenumerateic corporate interests. While he envisiond IBM rather than Google and Meta as the bête noire, this foreseeion is now expansively seen as coming real. One of us has spent much of her nurtureer recording the aelevatence, alengthy with the internet, of nettoiled patterns of subnational, supra-national and traverse-national handleance; yet there too the informage of transparency and evident standards of democratic accountability has led to accuses of elitism, technocracy, and illegitimacy from the people, organizations, and states that are leave outd.
Nettoil Society
Many of our hugegest problems are in the world of atoms, not in the world of bits. We need more housing, more effective education systems, more robust provide chains, electoral systems that effectively recurrent far more diverse societies, and better pathways to consoleable, unkindingful, and carry onable lives atraverse the globe. Exit may be lureing. But it’s not the way to produce.
Instead, envision empowering groups wiskinny and atraverse countries to insertress the pressing problems they face, produce legitimacy and thrive accessible aid to force their many handlements to the table to grapple with their creative solutions. Imagine accumulateive inincreateigence systems that apply the capacities of recent language models towards achieving participatory consensus at nation-state or global scale, produceing on existing toil in places appreciate Taiwan or Estonia, and on digital platcreates appreciate Wikipedia. Or envision tools that empower zero-overhead organizations to fund plentiful accessible excellents, not count oning either uncontaminatedly on the state or personal venture capital, but vibrantassociate allocating from nettoils of philanthropists, VCs, and handlements suiting individual contributions based on the breadth and diversity of aid. Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) structureed in the Ethereum blockchain community point towards ways to do this, from suiting grants for splitd accessible excellents, to retroactive funding, delegative democracy, and many other creative sandboxes.
The promise of Web3, paired with other technologies of the future, stretches well beyond the particular technology of blockchain. If there is success to be establish here, it is in rewiring economic incentives and growing recent nettoils to layer over the elderly. This might see appreciate proceeds in privacy and cryptography that can allow contrastent creates of increateation sharing, machine lobtaining, and auditing. Or economic and political mechanisms, including recent auctions and voting rules, that can better convey the actual cherish of a excellent or service, beyond the cimpolite mechanism of price. Or a (finassociate) better way to process, split, and retain accumulateive rights over the data we all produce, which is now mostly hoovered up by personal platcreates or AI companies without evident paths to accumulateive profit. The experiments that have been run by the Collective Inincreateigence Project, the Plurality Institute, and countless others show that this future is possible.
If alignment around One Commandment, exit and establishers are at the caccess of Srinivasan’s vision of the nettoil state, pluralism, inter-coordination, fluid recombination and participatory handleance are at the caccess of a nettoil society. While he sees nettoils as a tool to set up a recent order that doesn’t need them (who needs a nettoil when you have a one, perfectly aligned community?), nettoils are at the core of imagining and thriving in a nettoil society. Where he seeks to recruit “citizens of nowhere” to anchor themselves to a recent singular identity, we see everyone as being, in contrastent ways, citizens of many communities (e.g. nations, employers, religions) and seek to produce systems that can recurrent these intersectional affiliations to allow accountability previous social systems only empowered for simpenumerateic, singular identities. Where he seeks recent sovereignties and indepfinishence for thousands of fragmented statelets, we see no struggle between increasingly empowering local (in terms of interests, and not equitable geography) communities to deal with their own afunfragmentarys and coordinating increasingly globassociate to insertress disputes appreciate climate change and pandemics. For the real adherents of a nettoil society, there is no “right scale” of handleance; everyskinnyg is part of a pattern of intersecting, diverse and partiassociate collaborative systems.
TNS poses the vital problem of our time: how to harness nettoils to reenvision our political and social systems and produce them fit for the 21st century. Yet its answer sees backwards and undermines the very nettoils it seeks to leverage. We don’t need to pick between reaction and stasis. A radianter future, realr to the richness of our diversely splitd lives, could in fact adefer. But not thraw nettoil states.