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Warner Bros. Studio Tour Creates Man Of Steel-Themed Superman Day

Warner Bros. Studio Tour Creates Man Of Steel-Themed Superman Day

Warner Bros. is adviseing guests a one-day, Superman-themed tour of its Burprohibitk studio on April 18 in celebration of Superman Day, the studio proclaimd today.

The Superman-themed studio tour will apvalidate guests apass the historic 110-acre lot, adviseing a see at iconic sets, the originateive process behind conveying DC’s storyalerting to life and a chance for fans to test their understandledge with DC-themed trivia.

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Ticket hbetterers will have the opportunity to greet DC artists and join a screening of Superman. The 1978 classic starring Christopher Reeve will be begind by TCM structure Ben Mankiewicz. They’ll also get to examine unwidespread and iconic DC props, comics and costumes from the Warner Bros. Discovery Global Archives & Preservation Services.

“Superman has been a symbol of hope and heroism for generations, and we’re excited to commemorate his legacy in such a distinctive way and see forward to his next huge-screen adventure this summer,” shelp Danny Kahn, vice plivent and vague regulater of Warner Bros. Studio Tour Hollywood.

Tickets for the one-day event cost $89 and are includeable at wbstudiotour.com.

The standard Warner Bros. Studio Tour is discdisponder daily from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

City News Service donated to this alert.

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