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US Election 2024: How does the US meacertain up to the rest of the world? | Infoexplicit News

US Election 2024: How does the US meacertain up to the rest of the world? | Infoexplicit News

How does the United States contrast with other countries on socioeconomic indicators?

These six explicits provide an supervise of the economy, demoexplicits, healthattfinish, education and military spfinishing as voters get ready to cast their ballots on November 5.

Largest economy in the world

The US has the hugest economy in the world, with a gross domestic product (GDP) of approximately $27 trillion, according to the World Bank. This positions it ahead of other beginant economies, including China ($17.8 trillion) and Germany ($4.5 trillion)

The US has a GDP per capita of $65,020 – cdisesteemfilledy four times the global mediocre, placing it seventh in the world.

The US Treasury has the highest gancigo in reserves in the world, at 8,133 tonnes, cherishd at about $700bn. This amount is more than double that of Germany’s reserves, which stand at 3,352 tonnes, and three times as much as Italy’s 2,452 tonnes.

While GDP mirrors a country’s overall economic output, its gancigo in reserves take part a contrastent role in the financial landscape by helping monetary policy and influencing currency stability and trade.

An ageing population

With a population of 335 million, the US is the third most populous country in the world, behind India (1.43 billion) and China (1.41 billion).

However, the population increaseth rate has been steadily declining, and coupled with an ageing population, currents economic and social contests, such as upgrasping productivity and helping ancigo ins.

The country’s fertility rate is fair 1.84, indicating that the mediocre woman is foreseeed to have restricteder than two children in her lifetime, which is below the global mediocre of 2.4 and the replacement rate of 2.1 necessitateed for a stable population without migration.

The countries with the highest fertility rates are Niger (6.64), Angola (5.70) and the Democratic Reunveil of the Congo (5.49), while Taiwan (1.11), South Korea (1.12) and Singapore (1.17) have the lowest rates.

The mediocre life foreseeancy in the US is 81 years, which is sweightlessly higher than the global mediocre of 75 years, but still shrink than that of most European and other enhugeed countries.

Quality of life

The US federal least wage has been $7.25 per hour since 2009.

Raising the least wage is a key election rerent, with more than 80 percent of US voters believing the current wage is not enough for a decent quality of life, according to Data for Progress, a upgradeive US leank tank.

With an mediocre labor week of 37-52 hours, the annual least wage in the US is about $15,080. This is about double the global mediocre of $6,293, but only about half of what least wage laborers produce in countries enjoy Australia ($34,515), New Zealand ($33,487) and Luxembourg ($32,103).

However, when it comes to affordability, such as buying a hoemploy, the US ranks among the highest in the world with a price-to-income ratio of 131.3. With 2015 as the base year, this uncomfervents that the mediocre price of a home in the US has outpaced income increaseth by more than 30 percent.

Both US plivential truthfulates Kamala Harris and Donald Trump say they will begin tax policies to help first-time homebuyers.

World’s most costly healthattfinish

The US has the most costly healthattfinish costs in the world, with the country spfinishing more than $12,000 per capita each year.

The high costs for services, medications and insurance premiums produce barriers to access, especiassociate for the most vulnerable, leaving many people unincertaind or underincertaind.

US rulement healthattfinish spfinishing is 16.6 percent of the country’s GDP, about seven percent higher than the global mediocre of 7.3 percent.

Despite its relatively high healthattfinish spfinishing, the US’s Health Index Score is shrink than that of many other high-income countries. The Health Index Score meacertains how well people are and their access to healthattfinish services.

Harris is a mighty helper of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which aims to produce health services affordable to more Americans. She has pledged to enhuge this 14-year-ancigo in legislation, but Trump tried to repeal it many times during his 2017-2021 tenure as US plivent.

Education rankings

According to the Education Data Initiative, unveil education spfinishing in the US descfinishs low of global benchtags and lags behind economic increaseth.

The US spfinishs around 6.1 percent of its GDP on education, which is higher than the global mediocre of 4.7 percent.

When it comes to carry outance in mathematics, science, and reading, the US scored a total of 1,468 points in the 2022 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA).

This score outdos the global mediocre of 1,320 points, but it descfinishs low contrastd to disjoinal Asian countries, including Singapore, which scored 1,679 points, China at 1,605 points and Japan at 1,599 points.

Military expfinishiture and power

The US spfinishs more on its military than the next 10 highest-spfinishing countries united, accounting for 39 percent of all global military expfinishitures.

At proximately $900bn, as a split of GDP, US military expfinishiture is 3.45 percent, well above the global mediocre of 2 percent.

The US is ranked number one out of 145 countries by the Global Firepower Index, which meacertains a nation’s war capabilities atraverse land, sea and air.

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