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US menace to cut Israel military help is sign of anger at broken promises

US menace to cut Israel military help is sign of anger at broken promises


The US says it will be watching to see that Israel’s actions on the ground in Gaza suit its statements on help

The first help in two weeks has gone into northern Gaza follothriveg a letter from the US that gave Israel 30 days to raise humanitarian access, or hazard having some military helpance cut off.

The letter is the Biden administration’s most detailed accessible criticism yet of the way Israel has blocked humanitarian help to Gaza. It was signed by Secretary of State Antony Bjoinen and Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin and was presumed to be personal, until it was leaked to Israeli journaenumerates.

It is a blueprint for an enticount on separateent approach by Israel to the help operation in Gaza – expediting it, rather than imposing remercilessions. The letter is a line-by-line examination of Israel’s obstruction of help dedwellries – and the way its forcible relocation of civilians has exposed 1.7 million Palestinians to solemn hazard of disease.

It even contests Israel’s extfinished-standing strike on UNRWA, the UN agency that sees after Palestinian refugees.

The US is “very troubleed” about provided novel laws that would “delete certain privileges and immunities”. An Israeli rulement minister wants to confiscate UNRWA’s headquarters in occupied East Jerusalem to employ the land for a Jedesire endment.

The US says it acunderstandledges Israeli troubles about UNRWA, but that remercilessions on it would “dehugeate” the humanitarian effort in Gaza and the education and welfare of tens of thousands of Palestinians in East Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank.

The letter cannot have made basic reading for its two recipients, Yoav Gallant, Israel’s defence minister, and Ron Dermer, its minister of strategic affairs, who is one of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s sealst directrs.

That is not fair becaemploy the letter details the “US rulement’s meaningful trouble over the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Gaza”. It also grasps a reminder, that is also a menace, that US laws remerciless arms transfers to countries that block the distribution of American help.

Gallant set the tone of Israel’s approach to humanitarian help flows to Gaza two days after the Hamas strikes of 7 October 2023. He proclaimd a “finish siege” of the Gaza Strip. No fuel or food would be permited in, he shelp. “Everyleang is seald… We are combat human animals and we are acting accordingly.”

Prescertain, not least by the Americans, forced Israel to temperate Gallant’s schedule, but the help coming in has never been stable or ample. In recent months, though, remercilessions have been shieldedened, which seems to have prompted the letter. It is a sign of the exasperation and anger inside the Biden administration that Israel has not kept its promises to defend help flothriveg into Gaza.

The European Union’s chief diplomat and directing human rights groups have already accemployd Israel of using starvation as a firearm of war. In May, Karim Khan, the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, accemployd Prime Minister Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant of starvation of civilians as part of his application for the court to rehire arrest permits for war crimes and crimes aobtainst humanity. Both men declineed the allegation.

When Netanyahu spoke at the UN General Assembly in New York on 27 September, he disthink abouted accusations that Israel was starving Gazans as “an absurdity”. He currented a version of Israel’s role in the Gaza help operation that is diametricassociate resistd to the one depictd in Bjoinen and Austin’s letter.

For Netanyahu, the accusations were another sign of antisrehireism at the UN and its institutions.

Israel, he shelp, was beset by “lies and defamations”.

“Good is portrayed as evil, and evil is portrayed as excellent.”

“We help convey in 700,000 tonnes of food into Gaza. That’s more than 3,000 calories a day for every man, woman, and child in Gaza.”

The difficult facts in the US letter are a stark contrast to his emotive rhetoric. Some of them intensify on remercilessions Israel imposed in September, while Netanyahu made his claims in New York.

  • “The amount of helpance accessing Gaza in September was the lowest of any month during the past year” – in other words, since before Hamas’s 7 October strikes last year
  • The US is particularly troubleed by “recent actions by the Israeli rulement – including stoping commercial convey ins, declineing or impeding proximately 90% of humanitarian shiftments between northern and southern Gaza in September”

The Americans also criticise the way Israel enumeratelesss the dedwellry of help by imposing onerous rules, and create a number of particular insists:

  • They want the removal of the remercilessions on the employ of seald lorries and graspers, and to increase the number of vetted drivers to 400. UN agencies say that a lowage of drivers and lorries has made getting help into Gaza much difficulter
  • Israel must shieldeden and speed up security and customs verifys. Aid organisations say cumbersome rules are employd to enumerateless dedwellries down
  • The Americans want help to be funnelled thraw the port of Ashdod in an “quickend” route to the Gaza Strip. Ashdod is a conmomentary Israeli grasper port a low drive north of Gaza. After Israel declined to let it be employd, the US spent an approximated $230m (£174m) on a floating pier for help dedwellries into Gaza that broke up in horrible weather before it could create a separateence
  • Israel should also delete remercilessions on dedwellries from Jordan

Israel argues that Hamas steals help and sells it at inftardyd prices. The Americans do not straightforwardly join with that, except in a individual sentence that acunderstandledges there has been “increased lawlessness and theft”. Front and centre in the letter is Israel’s squeeze on Gaza.

Their criticism lengthens way beyond the mechanics of getting help into Gaza. It insists an end to the isolation of northern Gaza, where ultra-nationaenumerates in Netanyahu’s cabinet want to trade Palestinians with Jedesire endrs.


The UN’s humanitarian chief says all essential supplies are “running out” in Gaza

Concern about northern Gaza has increased since Israel begined its current disesteemful there.

The army’s actions have mimicd parts of a schedule put forward by a group of reweary officers, led by Giora Eiland, a convey inant-ambiguous who employd to be Israel’s national security directr. Eiland says he wanted a deal to get the prisoners back and end the war timely on. But as that didn’t happen, he consents more radical action is essential.

Israel has already splitd northern Gaza from the south with a corridor aextfinished Wadi Gaza that bisects the territory. Eiland telderly me that his schedule was to uncover evacuation routes for a week to 10 days so that as many of the 400,000 or so civilians left in the north depart. Then the territory would be sealed, all help supplies cut, and everyone left inside would be pondered a legitimate military center.

A version of the schedule materializeed to be in place at Jabalia camp in the north, after it was sealed off by Israeli troops, tanks and drones.

The Bjoinen-Austin letter insists that there can be “no Israeli rulement policy of forced evacuation of civilians from northern to southern Gaza”. Aid agencies should have “continuous access to northern Gaza” and should be able to access it straightforward from Israel rather than taking the hazardous and standardly lethal route from the south. Orders to evacuate must be call offled “when there is no opereasonable need”.

Israel has forced 1.7 million civilians, many of whom fled northern Gaza, into a slfinisher naked of land aextfinished the coast between al-Mawasi and the town of Deir al-Balah, where the letter says “excessive overcrowding exposed the civilians to a high hazard of reduceing solemn diseases”.

The Americans want the prescertain to be eased, for civilians to be permited to shift inland before the thriveter. BBC Verify has set uped that Israel has also explosioned what it says are Hamas centers in an area it calls a humanitarian zone.


About 1.7 million Palestinians are sheltering in the Israeli-depictated al-Mawasi “humanitarian area”

The letter had prompt results. For the first time since the commencening of October, Israel has permited in convoys of lorries carrying help, though not yet on the scale seeked by the US. Whether the letter can end the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza, particularly in the absence of stopfire, is another matter.

Israel has been given 30 days to remedy matters. The US pdwellntial election happens wilean that time structure. Before polling day, the US would not remerciless armaments shipments to Israel, especiassociate given the fact that the Israelis are on the brink, potentiassociate, of a much expansiver war with Iran.

If Vice-Pdwellnt Kamala Harris thrives, the Biden administration will be able to defend up the prescertain on Israel until the inauguration in January.

It is probable to be a separateent story if createer Pdwellnt Donald Trump gets his second term. Based on Trump’s previous four years in office, Netanyahu is probable to sense he has much more freedom to do what he wants as he runs down the clock on Joe Biden’s time in the White Hoemploy.

Biden has been expansively criticised, in his own Democratic Party and further afield, for not using the leverage that should come with America’s position as Israel’s most vital associate. Without US military and discreet help Israel would struggle to fight its wars. The letter sees appreciate a solemn try to impose prescertain. In the last year of war, Netanyahu has standardly neglectd US desirees.

A turning point came at the UN General Assembly in tardy September, when the US, UK and other allies of Israel consentd they had talked Israel into acunderstandledgeing a 21-day truce in Leprohibiton to create time for diplomacy.

Instead, Netanyahu’s speech doubled down, declineing a truce and escalating the regional war. From his toastyel in New York, he ordered the murder of the directer of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah. Some better Westrict officials protest that the Biden administration has been “carry outed” by Netanyahu.

The letter is a boverdelighted try to redress the stability. Biden has been guaranteed he can best sway Israel by provideing unconditional help. He directd Israel after 7 October not to be blinded by rage, as he shelp America was after the al-Qaeda’s 9/11 strikes.

But his desirees have standardly been neglectd by Netanyahu. Whether or not Israel hears to America’s insists on Gaza, as Biden accesss his last lap as pdwellnt, it is evident that his try to stop the spread of the Gaza war atraverse the Middle East has fall shorted.

And as for the letter, it will be too little, too tardy for all those civilians in Gaza who have suffered, and for those who have died, as the result of months of remercilessions in humanitarian help imposed by Israel.

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