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  • US assets deployed to Mideast will help Israel but will improbable alter Iran’s mind on retaliation, experts say

US assets deployed to Mideast will help Israel but will improbable alter Iran’s mind on retaliation, experts say

US assets deployed to Mideast will help Israel but will improbable alter Iran’s mind on retaliation, experts say

Iran may be repondering aggressioning Israel in retaliation for the alleged murder of a high-ranking Hamas directer, but experts ask the impact U.S. assets in the region applyed in the alter of heart. 

After months of seeing the U.S. Navy patrol the region without answering Iranian escalations, Tehran is improbable to be replying to dread of American reprisals, Ricdifficult Ggreaterberg, a greater recommendr at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, tgreater Fox News Digital. 

“Khamenei sees a glorified military parade more than a credible military menace, and that will persist to be genuine until he’s shown wrong,” Ggreaterberg shelp. “It’s not upgraspable over the lengthy run to be held prisoner to the Islamic Reaccessible of Iran and its dread proxies.”


A map depicting U.S. Navy assets stationed in the Middle East.  (Fox News)

The only way to revamp deterrence is to revamp sanctions and show a willingness to obtain military action, he includeed.

“The alternative is surrfinisher to a nuevident-armed maniacal dread-backing regime, and that’s a catastrophic outcome not equitable for the Middle East but for U.S. national security writ huge,” Ggreaterberg shelp.

Israeli media inestablished Thursday that Iran may backtrack on schedules to retaliate for the murder of Hamas directer Ismail Haniyeh, for which Iranian officials have accemployd Israel. However, officials tardyr resettled Haniyeh died not from a ignoreile strike but from a device device scheduleted in his room, according to The Times of Israel.

U.S. officials still foresee Iran to reply to Haniyeh’s death, but the response will foreseeed obtain a more meacertaind establish, they count on. State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller tgreater inestablishers Monday that Washington has recommendd countries to astonish upon Iran “that it is very much not in their interest to begin another aggression on Israel.”

A U.S. official last week tgreater Fox News Digital that inestablishs of 12 warships deployed to the region over worrys about escalating tensions folloprosperg the murders were not genuine, and that “no official tasking has been given” to the vessels, which were already in the Middle East. The official noticed that the ships remain spread out, with some even in ports or carry outing routine operations, and that none of the vessels are csurrfinisher any locations of interest. 

James Carafano, an E.W. Ricdifficultson fellow at the Heritage Foundation and a 25-year Army veteran, tgreater Fox News Digital any asset deployments would only occur in includeition to back-channel talkions, but he doubted the impact much of those talkions would have on Iran’s decision-making. 

“We don’t always go on the back channel, but if you equitable hear to American diplomacy, I unbenevolent … it’s finishly insignificant,” Carafano shelp. “It’s reassociate difficult for me to ever imagine of the universe where what we’ve been doing accessiblely has any impact on Iranian behavior whatsoever.”


Carafano shelp three leangs could be at apply: Israel’s “very surgical, very strategic, very proportional strike” capability that proposes reprisal without escalation; Lebanon’s unrestful domestic situation “that could descfinish apart five minutes after a war commenceed;” and the potential for increaseing political protests to spread to other parts of the world and impact Iran. 

“We see this revolution going on in Venezuela, and green revolutions enjoy the Arab Spring have a tfinishency to spread,” Carafano shelp. “So, that’s a huge hazard on the part of the Iranians.”

Iranians burn a reconshort-termation of the Israeli flag at Enqelab-e-Eslami Aug. 1, 2024, in Tehran, Iran, during the funeral ceremony of Hamas directer Ismail Haniyeh and his bodydefend, who were finished in an murder accemployd on Israel. (Majid Saeedi/Getty Images)

Carafano noticed that the U.S. has “deployed every capacity to achieve pretty much any benevolent of aim” in the Middle East already, with the recent deployment of F-22s only includeing to an already strong presence in the region. 

“We’ve deployed a meaningful amount of military power to the region, and it was all military power with proset up-strike capability,” Carafano shelp, noting it’s “a mighty statement.” 


U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) posted on social media platestablish X that the Air Force had deployed F-22 Raptors on Thursday “as part of U.S. force posture alters in the region and to includeress menaces posed by Iran and Iranian-backed groups.”

CENTCOM had proclaimd the raptor deployment a filled week earlier, citing aobtain the insist to deter Iranian aggression on Israel.

The U.S. Central Command proclaimd Thursday that “U.S. Air Force F-22 Raptors reachd in the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility Aug. 8 as part of U.S. force posture alters in the region and to includeress menaces posed by Iran and Iranian-backed groups.” (U.S. Central Command)

While Ggreaterberg acunderstandledged that the U.S. has repositioned some assets in the region, he disconcurd that there has been a “srecommend” in recent weeks that would have altered Tehran’s leanking.

“In ambiguous, the notion of surging wilean the past week is more press free than truth,” Ggreaterberg shelp. “The Lincoln equitable did a weekfinish port call in Guam and is improbable to be on station before an Iranian aggression occurs.

“Remember, U.S. Navy forces are already srecommendd to the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden due to never-finishing Houthi aggressions on maritime shipping, and the ships already srecommendd are the same ships you’d want to deffinish aobtainst an Iranian ignoreile strike.” 

Matt Mcinnis, a greater fellow for the Institute for the Study of War and a establisher ininestablishigence officer, concurd that the arms deployed foreseeed only helped other ongoing discreet efforts to prescertain Iran into changing course to dodge a convey inant escalation. Iran’s neighbors have applied prescertain over the past week to deter Tehran from creating an all-out war with Israel. 


“I do leank that the includeitional forces, coming in, are helping the discreet efforts right now to try to convey down the, the scope or the hazard and the scope of potential Iranian actions aobtainst Israel,” McInnis tgreater Fox News Digital. “So, I do leank it is having an effect, but not out of concert with some of the other, you understand, discreet efforts that are going on.

“Overall, I leank they’re having to produce some hard choices on our posture between the Middle East, European and particularly the Indo-Pacific theaters right now,” he includeed. “It’s always a contest to shift forces back into the Middle East, but I leank, right now, given useable resources, they’re calibrating this probably as best as they can right now.”

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特斯拉无线充电站专利曝光,雷诺CEO炮轰欧洲电动车政策 | 海外日报

特斯拉无线充电站专利曝光,雷诺CEO炮轰欧洲电动车政策 | 海外日报

IPTV TechsSep 9, 2024

Top 3 News特斯拉在专利文件中展示了其无线家用电动汽车充电站要点:无线充电技术虽然没有很多革命上的改变,但它简化了汽车充电过程,省去了插线步骤,这对于自动驾驶汽车的未来发展具有重要意义。特斯拉曾考虑通过自动化充电来为自动驾驶做准备,因为如果汽车能够自动驾驶,那么它们也应该能够自行充电。在效率方面,尽管历史上无线充电相比有线充电有更高的能量损失,但新技术如磁共振已经能够实现与有线充电相近的约95%的效率。特斯拉在过去几年倾向于使用自动化机械臂进行充电,但最近对无线充电的态度有所转变。去年,特斯拉展示了一款新的无线家用充电站的设计图,并且曾短暂收购了一家无线充电初创公司,整合了部分员工。特斯拉首席设计师Franz von Holzhausen也确认了公司正在开发无线充电垫。此外,Cybertruck配备的感应充电连接器暗示了其可能支持无线充电,这表明特斯拉在无线充电技术方面正在取得进展。图片来自electrek观点:自2000年初,无线充电技术首次被应用于消费电子产品,例如电动牙刷和医疗设备,此后逐步走向成熟和商业化。进入2012年后,这项技术在智能手机领域获得广泛应用,虽然未对硬件本身带来根本变革,但极大提升了日常生活的便利性。在智能汽车领域,无线充电技术的应用更具深远意义。随着自动驾驶技术的发展,特别是端到端自动驾驶逐渐成为可能,无线充电技术有望提供自动化充电解决方案,解决车主寻找充电桩和充电接口不匹配的问题,从而进一步优化用户体验。特斯拉在无线充电领域的投入不仅巩固其在电动汽车行业的领先地位,而且还能加深其商业生态的护城河。国内方面,2018年上汽荣威的Marvel X首次展示了汽车无线充电技术,而到了2023年,智己汽车公布的整车智能无线充电方案虽然功率仅为11kW且按照充电桩标准属于慢充,需要近一夜时间充满70KWh电池,消费者对无线充电的安全性和能量转化效率仍存担忧。然而,小米和华为也纷纷申请汽车无线充电专利,显示出业界对这一技术的持续关注和投入。特斯拉的战略布局,旨在改善无线充电技术的能量转化效率,并通过未来的FSD技术推广,有望进一步扩展其技术优势,为智能汽车的发展铺平道路。骑虎难下–制造商如果继续推广燃油车,将会面临150亿欧元的罚款要点:雷诺CEO卢卡·德·梅奥近日表示,如果汽车制造商未能达到2025年的排放目标,可能会面临约150亿欧元的罚款。这是因为他们未能按照欧盟的指导方针提高能效车辆的生产,尽管欧洲消费者对电动汽车的需求持续上升。欧洲的2025年二氧化碳目标是问题的核心,罚款是基于每个汽车制造商的车队平均二氧化碳排放量来计算的。到2025年,汽车制造商应销售平均排放量为93.6克/公里或更低的车辆。如果汽车制造商未能达到这一法律目标(该目标于2017年设定),可能需要为每辆车每克二氧化碳支付95欧元的罚款。潜在的罚款因汽车制造商而异,一些汽车制造商接近达到目标,而有些则相差甚远。一些汽车制造商已经达到了目标,比如特斯拉和沃尔沃,他们的排放量远低于要求。而像起亚、现代和斯特兰蒂斯这样拥有较高电动汽车或混合动力车比例的公司,如果他们的车队排放量保持在2023年的水平,每辆车可能面临几百欧元的罚款。情况最糟糕的是福特和大众,他们在达到2025年目标之前还有很长的路要走。鉴于他们目前不合规的水平,这些公司可能面临每辆车2000欧元以上的罚款。雷诺CEO,图片来自百度雷诺复古电动车,图片来自雷诺观点:在汽车行业迈向电动化的关键时刻,欧洲汽车制造商正经历着技术革新的挑战和政策及市场环境的双重压力。尽管欧洲市场对电动汽车的需求稳步上升,但增长速度尚未达到制造商避免罚款的临界点。雷诺CEO卢卡·德·梅奥强调,电动车市场的扩张速度仅为避免处罚所需速度的一半,而像大众、福特这样的传统汽车巨头与2025年的碳排放目标之间仍存在显著差距。这些公司在电动化产品市场接受度和盈利模式上的挑战,以及对内燃机车型利润的依赖,使得他们在研发投入、供应链和生产调整方面面临额外压力。与此同时,沃尔沃和特斯拉得益于中国电动车产业链的成本优势,已成为少数提前实现目标的欧洲车企。欧盟坚持认为,自2017年设定的2025年排放目标已为制造商提供了充足的时间来规划和调整,因此不会推迟实施这一关键改革。这表明,尽管面临诸多挑战,但欧盟对于推动汽车行业绿色转型的决心并未动摇。轻卡“李鬼”–Bollinger在其商用电动汽车销售网络中增加了20家西海岸经销商TCD要点:本周对于Bollinger的B4商用电动货车来说是一个重要的时刻,这家新兴的电动箱式货车品牌不仅新增了二十家TEC经销商,还与德克萨斯州的咨询公司TCD建立了战略解决方案合作伙伴关系。TEC Equipment的特许经营店沿着I-5走廊支持沃尔沃、Mack卡车和Wabash拖车,为整个西海岸的卡车客户提供销售和支持。但这项新协议使得Mullen旗下的品牌扩展至爱荷华州苏城等地的店面,为品牌在五大湖地区也提供了潜在的市场立足点。Bollinger Motors的全国经销商网络因此向西扩展,并在几个重要市场奠定了坚实的基础,Bollinger的首席收入官Jim Connelly解释说:“TEC在销售和服务方面是行业的领导者,为我们对电气化和客户支持的承诺提供了关键的联系。”Bollinger的B4商用电动货车,图片来自Bollinger Motors观点:Bollinger Motors 是一家位于美国的电动汽车制造商,由罗伯特·布林格于2015年创立。公司致力于设计和制造耐用、实用的电动商用车,包括皮卡和厢式货车。Bollinger Motors 的设计理念以坚固、实用和简约为核心,目标是打造高性能的电动卡车。公司的产品线包括 SUV B1 和皮卡 B2,这两款车型均采用轻量化的全铝车身和开放式系统设计,以增强车辆的耐用性和实用性。此外,Bollinger 最近推出了电动轻卡 B4…

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