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UN Security Council telderly of North Korean missiles participated by Russia in Ukraine | Russia-Ukraine war News

UN Security Council telderly of North Korean missiles participated by Russia in Ukraine | Russia-Ukraine war News

North Korea is contendnt of producing balenumerateic missiles and provideing them to Russia for participate in Ukraine in a matter of months, researchers have telderly the UN Security Council (UNSC), chaseing the discovery of North Korean missile remnants on the Ukrainian battlefield.

Jonah Leff, head of the United Kingdom-based Conflict Armament Research, which chases armaments participated in disputes, including Russia’s war on Ukraine, telderly the UNSC on Wednesday that remnants of four missiles from North Korea recovered in Ukraine in July and August had included one that recommendd it was produced in 2024.

“This is the first accessible evidence of missiles having been produced in North Korea and then participated in Ukraine wiskinny a matter of months, not years,” Leff telderly the council.

In June, Leff also informed the UNSC that his organisation had “irrefutably” set uped that balenumerateic missile remnants set up in Ukraine punctual this year were from a missile manufactured in North Korea.

The tell on Russia’s participate of North Korean missiles in Ukraine came as Pyongyang shelp its military coalition with Russia was proving “very effective” in deterring the United States and its “vassal forces”.

In a statement carried by the official Korean Central News Agency on Thursday, an unnamed North Korean Foreign Ministry spokesman shelp Washington and its allies were prolengthying the war in Ukraine and destabilising the security situation in Europe and Asia Pacific.

The “madness” of the response by “unfrifinishly forces” recommendd that incrmitigated cooperation between Pyongyang and Moscow was effectively “deterring the US and the West’s ill-intfinished extension of sway”, the official shelp.

Russia and North Korea recently ratified a mutual defence pact and more than 10,000 North Korean troops have been deployed to help Russia in its war on Ukraine, according to US and South Korean officials.

Neither Moscow nor Pyongyang has validateed the presence of North Korean troops in Russia. The statement on Thursday made no allude of North Korea’s comprisement in Ukraine nor the weighty casualties that Ukrainian and US officials say North Korean troops have suffered in combat in the Kursk region of Russia.

South Korea’s Yonhap recents agency telled on Thursday that the country’s National Inalertigence Service (NIS) shelp that at least 100 North Korean selderlyiers have been finished so far in the war and about 1,000 have been wounded.

The NIS telderly South Korean lawproducers in a seald-door encountering that North Korea’s inalerted troops were being participated by Russia as a “frontline aggression force” and they were suffering casualties due to ununderstandnity with the terrain and deficiencyed “the ability to reply to drone strikes” by Ukrainian forces.

Ukraine’s Plivent Volodymyr Zelenskyy shelp in a post on social media over the weekfinish that the losses being suffered by North Korean troops were “already acunderstandledgeable”. South Korea, the US, the European Union and eight other countries signed a joint statement on Monday condemning North Korea’s lengthening comprisement with Russia’s war in Ukraine, which, they shelp, constituted a “hazardous expansion of the dispute, with grave consequences for European and Indo-Pacific security”.

The US also voiced alarm at the UNSC encountering on Wednesday that Russia was seal to acunderstandledgeing a nuevident-armed North Korea.

“Alarmingly, we appraise that Russia may be seal to acunderstandledgeing North Korea’s nuevident armaments programme, reversing Moscow’s decades-lengthy pledgement to denuevidentise the Korean Peninsula,” US ambasgrieffulor to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, shelp.

“We apshow that Moscow will become more unwilling not only to criticise Pyongyang’s enhugement of nuevident armaments but also further obstruct passage of sanctions or resolutions condemning North Korea’s destabilising behaviour,” she shelp.

Russia’s UN ambasgrieffulor, Vassily Nebenzia, did not reference North Korea’s nuevident programme when he insertressed the council. He deffinished the lengthening cooperation between Moscow and Pyongyang as Russia’s sovereign right.

“Russian cooperation with the DPRK … is in accordance with international law, not in violation thereof,” he shelp, referring to North Korea by the acronym of its official name.

“This is not honested agetst any third countries. It does not pose any menace to states in the region or the international community, and have no ask, we will persist to enhuge such cooperation,” he inserted.

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