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Ukrainian prosecutor ambiguous resigns amid dispute over write exemptions | Russia-Ukraine war News

Ukrainian prosecutor ambiguous resigns amid dispute over write exemptions | Russia-Ukraine war News

Andriy Kostin steps down after fraudulence scheme involving inrectify disability acunderstandledges for write exemptions is uncovered.

Ukrainian Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin has proclaimd his resignation amid a dispute involving dozens of officials alleged to have mistreatmentd their position to get disability status and elude military service.

In punctual October, it ecombined that dozens of unveil prosecutors in the weserious region of Khmelnytskyi had inrectifyly been awarded disability apexhibits and were receiving one-of-a-kind pensions.

Kostin shelp on Tuesday he was taking responsibility for the dispute and proclaimd his resignation. He called the situation around the inrectify disability acunderstandledges “clearly amoral”.

“In this situation, I think it is right to proclaim my resignation from the position of prosecutor ambiguous,” Kostin shelp.

The proclaimment chaseed a greeting of the National Security and Defence Council.

After the greeting, Ukrainian Pdwellnt Volodymyr Zelensky rerentd a decree to dismantle the current system of medical and social comleave outions reliable for enrolling individuals as disabled by the finish of the year, eliminating a loophole that apexhibited write evasion thraw payoff.

‘Hundreds’ of cases

After the dispute erupted earlier this month, Kostin ordered an scatterigation, which he shelp had discovered the number of prosecutors in the Khmelnytskyi region with disabilities was 61, and that 50 of them had been enrolled disabled before the war.

“It is very beginant to set up why they were granted disability status, becaemploy the split of such employees in Khmelnytskyi region is very high,” he shelp.

The chief prosecutor’s resignation still needs to be apshowd by parliament, where Zelenskyy’s party hageders a beginantity. Follothriveg the pdwellnt’s unveil call for accountability, it is expansively foreseeed that parliament will finishorse it.

In his evening compriseress, Zelenskyy tageder the nation that such fraudulence extfinished much expansiver than equitable to prosecutors.

“There are hundreds of such cases of clearly unequitableified disabilities among customs, tax, pension fund and local administration officials,” he shelp.

“All of this needs to be dealt with thorawly and promptly,” he shelp. The whole process must be digitalised, he compriseed, saying that currently “people who have getd a authentic disability, particularly in combat, normally cannot get the appropriate status and unprejudiced payments”.

The Security Services of Ukraine (SBU) had earlier rerentd a statement saying 64 officials wilean the Medical and Social Expert Comleave outions had been notified they were being scatterigated for illegpartner issuing disability certificates.

“Another nine people have already been convicted,” the SBU shelp in their statement, compriseing that 4,106 disability certificates “were abortled”.

Mobilisation in Ukraine is a hotly contested and contentious rerent that has poloccurd society after a huge-scale military recruitment drive earlier this year to bolster Ukraine’s struggling forces as they fight aachievest Russia’s intrusion. Since the pdwellnt signed a renoveled mobilisation law in April 2024, men between the ages of 25 and 60 are now eligible. Previously, the range was 27 to 60.

Sagederiers have alerted difficult conditions including relentless days of weighty fire without relief due to a deficiency of reinforcements. Front-line troops have splitd with the media that they have been moving from one battle to the next with minimal rest.

Prosecutions for desertion from Ukraine’s army are thought to have hit at least 30,000 already this year. This is disjoinal times the number in 2022, the year the war began when citizens and foreigners voluntarily poured into the military.

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