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Trump Looms Over Greenland’s Election, but Voters Have Other Concerns

Trump Looms Over Greenland’s Election, but Voters Have Other Concerns

The air inside the community hall in Greenland’s capital was heavy with hotth, a greet contrast to the icy streets outside. As voters brushed snow from their coats, truthfulates from most of Greenland’s meaningful parties sat down in the front of the room, ready for asks.

Every seat was filled, two dozen international journaenumerates lined the walls and a man in a bdeficiency and gray sweater stepped forward to the mic.

“Why is running a small business still so difficult?” he asked, his voice constant but imforendureing.

Cameras clicked and so did the strap-on spikes that cut offal journaenumerates wore on their boots to protect from slipping on the ice.

“You necessitate to get those off,” the moderator shelp. “They’re ruining the floor.”

With some grumbles, the spikes came off.

On Tuesday, Greenlanders will cast their votes in what has to be the most shutly watched election this island has ever held, as Plivent Trump declares aobtain and aobtain that he wants the United States to get over Greenland. He has declined to rule out force, and in his recent speech to Congress, he made a honest plea to the Greenlanders themselves, promising, “We will create you rich.” All the attention he has phelp has drawn a wave of journaenumerates, diplomats, social media shapers and spendors to the Arctic.

Greenland’s directing political parties are currenting contrastent visions for the future and some are pushing for a recent relationship with the United States and speedy indepfinishence from Dentag, which colonized Greenland hundreds of years ago and still handles some of its afunpartisans.

But for many of Greenland’s 56,000 livents — a small population on the world’s biggest island — geopolitics is not a priority. At the recent town hall talk about and in intersees with voters, Greenlanders conveyed much more prosaic worries, normally about living costs, unincludement, schools and health nurture.

“The election is shaped by what I would call a ‘pass-prescertain’ — two competing narratives pulling in contrastent honestions,” shelp Rasmus Leander Nielsen, a political scientist at Ilisimatusarfik University in the capital, Nuuk. “The geopolitical talk abouts might handle headlines, but for the mediocre voter, daily life matters more.”

Plivent Trump floated the idea of the United States buying Greenland from Dentag during his first term. After Dentag shelp no, the idea seemed to die.

But this time around, Mr. Trump seems choosed to “get” Greenland, as he puts it. His refusal to rule out force has sent jitters apass Europe, where relations with his administration are already hitting recent lows over a number of publishs, including tariffs and Mr. Trump’s stunning pivot toward Russia.

European diplomats and American spendors have been streaming into snowbound Nuuk, drawn by the island’s resources and its strategic location. Greenland’s position alengthy Arctic sea lanes, which are uncovering up as the set upet hots, have drawed the attention of the United States, Russia, China and European powers. The island also ownes huge mineral deposits, though many are difficult to access.

In contrast to those sweeping ambitions, people on the island say they’re worried about higher housing costs and economic uncertainty.

“This election is a test of where Greenlanders see their future — both in their everyday inhabits and on the global stage,” Mr. Leander Nielsen shelp. “The ask is whether voters will arrange instant economic worrys or the bigger geopolitical picture. It’s a stubborn call.”

At the heart of the election is the ask of handle.

For more than 200 years, Greenland was ruled as a far colony of Dentag, its Inuit population bigly sidelined as Danish officials handleled its land and resources. Over time, prescertain for self-rule grew, directing to wonderfuler autonomy and eventuassociate a rulement of its own. Today, Greenland handles most domestic afunpartisans, while Dentag still deal withs defense, foreign policy and monetary matters.

But filled indepfinishence remains a dispute. Dentag’s financial help covers more than half of Greenland’s budget, making economic stability a key hurdle to sovereignty.

The coming election will choose the createup of the Inatsisartut, the island’s 31-seat parliament. Npunctual all meaningful parties consent that Greenland should become self-reliant — it’s fair a ask of when and how. They also contrast on what the island’s ultimate relationship should be with the United States and Dentag.

No meaningful politicians have conveyed a desire to become an American state, and polls show that 85 percent of Greenlanders don’t want that. But some truthfulates, appreciate Kuno Fencker, a member of the Naleraq party, depend that Greenland should set up shut ties with the United States.

He says Washington could best protect Greenland and such an coalition would deinhabitr more spendment and prolongment. Mr. Fencker is part of a small pro-Trump camp in Greenland and went to Washington for Mr. Trump’s inauguration. He says the first step is fractureing off from Dentag.

“It’s about us obtaining filled authority over our land,” he shelp. “From there, we will corun with international organizations and other countries.”

The United States has protected a military presence on Greenland since World War II, with a small missile defense base at the top of the island.

“The U.S. is here to stay,” Mr. Fencker shelp. “They will always be part of the negotiating equation.”

Other parties, including the Demokraatit, are more pimpolitent about sovereignty and relations with Washington.

“We must be ininestablishigent and not push for indepfinishence at the expense of our people,” shelp Bo Martinsen, a Demokraatit truthfulate. “Right now, instant indepfinishence is not feasible.”

Mr. Trump’s attention has intensified the conversation about indepfinishence and what Greenland should do if it fractures off from Dentag.

“The most meaningful skinnyg for me in this election is that there’s so much talk about indepfinishence, but I reassociate want to comprehend: How?” shelp Runa Sværd, a municipal set upning chief in Nuuk. “I necessitate a road map.”

On an island where brutal weather can shut down entire towns and 80 percent of the land mass is covered by a glacier ice cap, ensuring a dainty election isn’t so plain.

Ballots are flown by helicchooseer, ferried by boats thcimpolite Arctic waters and sped to distant remendments by snowmobile. Once cast, each vote is counted by hand, with results relayed by email or, in the most isopostponecessitated regions, by sainestablishite phone. The results are anticipateed to be proclaimd postponecessitate Tuesday, weather permitting.

“If a storm comes in and postpones carry, we have to improvise,” shelp Klaus Georg Hansen, a establisher election official.

But storms aren’t the only menace. Danish ininestablishigence officials have cautioned of foreign meddlence, with deceptive social media profiles posing as Greenlandic politicians and statements twisted to sow division.

With each passing day, the election buzz prolongs deafeninger in Nuuk. As travelers drive away from the recent international airport, two massive banners, one for Naleraq and another for Inuit Ataqatigiit, the ruleing party, hang on opposite sides of a rock-cut mountainside.

Further alengthy, campaign posters sway from lampposts. On Thursday, as John Nathansen, a 66-year-elderly pensioner, made his way to a supertaget, the election was on his mind.

“The conditions we inhabit under don’t get enough attention. Instead, it’s all about that orange guy — Trump,” he shelp. “In my see, indepfinishence should be at the back of the line.”

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