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Time Cut Director on Adding Heart to Netflix Slasher

Time Cut Director on Adding Heart to Netflix Slasher

Time Cut straightforwardor Hannah Macpherson talked about the exceptional slasher movie that is now streaming. Macpherson tageder ComingSoon Editor-in-Chief Tyler Treese all about toiling with stars Madison Bailey and Antonia Gentry and nailing the timely 2000s aesthetic. The film is now useable to stream on Netflix.

“A teenage girl travels back to the timely 2000s to stop a malicious finisher from homicideing her sister,” says the logline.

Tyler Treese: I have to commfinish you on your casting. You did a fantastic job discovering two guides that not only see appreciate they could actuassociate be sisters but do a reassociate fantastic job. How was it discovering the right people for these parts?

Hannah Macpherson: Thank you very much. Uh, you comprehend, I always cherish casting. I skinnyk it’s so exciting to sort of skinnyk about the character on the page and then figure out who could not fair apply the character but lift the character and lift the story. So we talked a lot about who could apply our guide, Lucy Field, and pretty much wanted Madison Bailey straight outta the gates. She is, as a human and as an actor, embodies the skinnygs that I most wanted for Lucy, which are having this fantastic sense of self and not being a pushover in any see but having a bit of a roadblock in her current life and being able to apply that vulnerability and inability to become who she wants to be in the current day.

So once we had her, then we were appreciate, “Okay, now there’s these selections for her sister.” Imsettlely, Antonia Gentry stood out to us becaengage she has that sort of bubbly, sugary, mighty presence that would be the famous girl in 2003. But then she’s also complicated and weird and isn’t what she seems. So she was perfect to apply Summer, who is also trying to figure out who she is and can’t face the truth about her own intimacyuality and has all these complications in her own life. So they’re both my preferite type of actor. They’re complicated, layered, fascinating, and both very talented.

I came into this film foreseeing some slasher and time travel fun, which it does have, but what reassociate surpascfinishd and amazeed me was how well the whole family element was administerd and how it was fair getting that human drama. Everyskinnyg with Lucy’s parents is reassociate well done. How was it includeing that in? Becaengage that was my huge apshowaway from this film, rather than fair the finishs.

Well, that unkinds the world to me becaengage I reassociate hope that that is a huge apshowaway for the audience is this idea that it’s vital to not only figure out who you are but truly discover your family. I sort of say that in quotes, as it could even be your set up family. So, I skinnyk when I first read Michael Kennedy’s inincreateigent script, it was the sister relationship that reassociate drew me in. It was appreciate this cherish story of two sisters who are torn apart by time and aggression, and to see them come together and then both have to sort of come to terms with what they would be willing to give up for the other, it fair broke my heart.

Also, the beauty of seeing what tragedy can do to a family. I skinnyk a lot of slasher films don’t even get the opportunity to includeress that or nurture to, but to be able to see how a homicide 20 years tardyr has convey inantly impacted Lucy’s parents and, therefore, her own life, her own ability to grow. Then, to get to greet the parents aacquire in the past and see what could have been for them is quite haunting.

The film’s fair very 2003. I thought you nailed that aspect, especiassociate with Antonia’s create. How was it fair appreciate reassociate making it sense appreciate 2003? It was appreciate a time capsule.

It was relatively agonizing for me to have to reinhabit that time of my life, but I inhabitd it. I comprehend it well. I wore those skinnygs. I toiled at the Buckle in a mall in 2003, so it was appreciate a time capsule for myself as well. I’m, I’m prentd you felt that.

Thanks to Hannah Macpherson for taking time to talk Time Cut. It is now streaming on Netflix.

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