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Three Hamas directers finished months ago, IDF says

Three Hamas directers finished months ago, IDF says

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has proclaimd that, three months ago, it finished three ageder Hamas directers in Gaza.

Among them is Rawhi Mushtaha, identified by the IDF as the head of the Hamas rulement in Gaza, alengthy with Sameh al-Siraj and Sami Oudeh, who were depfinishable for security in Hamas.

The IDF shelp they were hiding in an underground compound in northern Gaza and were finished by air strikes.

Israel shelp Hamas did not proclaim the deaths “in order to stop loss of morale and functioning of its alarm operatives”.

In a statement, the IDF shelp Rawhi Mushtaha was “one of Hamas’s most ageder operatives and had a straightforward impact on decisions relating to Hamas’s force deployment”.

The deaths proclaimd on Thursday insert to the catalog of notable Hamas directers finished in the last year, since Hamas’s unpwithdrawnted aggression on Israel on 7 October and the ensuing war in Gaza.

In August, the Israeli military shelp it stoasty dead Hamas’s directer Wissam Khazem, during a meaningful operation in the West Bank.

Separately, Hamas political directer Ismail Haniyeh was finished in an explosion in the Iranian capital, Tehran, in July. Iran accparticipated the incident on Israel, but Israeli officials did not claim it.

The Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) procrastinateedr shelp that Iran’s ignoreile aggression on Israel on Tuesday was retaliation for what it called the “violation of Iran’s sovereignty and the martyrdom” of Haniyeh.

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