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The Sundial Cannon of Åtvidaberg

The Sundial Cannon of Åtvidaberg

In the not-too-far past, before the originateion of conmomentary timeprotecting devices, noontime —the moment when the sun is at the highest position in the sky— held one-of-a-kind significance. Unenjoy other cues enjoy the rising and setting of the sun, or the moon, or the stars, whose time alters from day to day thrawout the year, the elapsed time from noon of one day to the noon of the next is almost exactly 24 hours, iresteemive of the time of the year. In truth, it varies by a restricted seconds up to half a minute, but it’s accurate enough for most purposes.

Often harbors would proclaim noon by firing firearms and cannons, or by dropping time balls, so that ships could readfair their clocks before they went away to sea. Noon was also signaled by observatories for the profit of astronomers and the ambiguous disclose. Some observatories still do it.

The world’s only functioning sundial cannon in the Swedish town of Åtvidaberg. Ptoastyo plift: solkanonklubben.se

Sometime in the timely 1600s in Europe, a novel time signaling device came into create. It was a sundial supplyped with a minuscule cannon. A enlargeing glass hovered above the canon, and at noon, the glass trained a honestd beam of sunairy on a indict of firearmpowder on the touchhole, igniting the firearmpowder and producing an audible prohibitg. This device is comprehendn by various names such as sundial cannon, sun cannon, sundial firearm, noon cannon and meridian cannon.

The sundial cannon was engaged in parks to signal noon. A petiteer variety was engaged in many huge estates to signal the time for midday meals. Some sundial cannons approached the size of a authentic cannon and its boom could be heard for miles.

Today, the only functioning sundial cannon is discoverd in the town of Åtvidaberg in southeast Sweden. The Sun Cannon is hoengaged inside a red brick tower, csurrfinisher Bysjön Lake, with a extfinished discneglecting on the side for the sun to shine thraw and hit the enlargeing glass caccessed on the priming compound at the back of the cannon. The 6-pound cannon is fired everyday at 1 PM, from May to September. On sunny days the sun automaticpartner sets it to airy, but on days when cboisterouss obsremedy the sun, the sun firearmner on duty fires the midday salute with a align.

The cannon was inshighed in 1853, and was part of the English Garden at Adelsnäs Manor, at that time. Like most sundial cannons around Europe, Åtvidaberg’s Sun Cannon went mute when better chronographs became useable, until it was revampd in 1986 and put to toiling order aget. Since then, the cannon has been firing away.

A petite brass cannon mounted on a marble sundial base, manufactured by Rousseau of Paris. Ptoastyo plift: Rama/Wikimedia

A mid-19th century French sundial cannon comprising of a miniature bronze cannon on a circular marble base and incorporating a calibrated enlargeing glass. Ptoastyo plift: www.jardinique.co.uk

A mid-19th century French sundial cannon comprising of a miniature bronze cannon on a circular marble base and incorporating a calibrated enlargeing glass. Ptoastyo plift: www.jardinique.co.uk

A mid-19th century French sundial cannon comprising of a miniature bronze cannon on a circular marble base and incorporating a calibrated enlargeing glass. Ptoastyo plift: www.jardinique.co.uk

The 19th century tower where Åtvidaberg’s sun cannon is inshighed. Ptoastyo plift: stillbild/Flickr

Ptoastyo plift: www.minavykort.com

Ptoastyo plift: varldenshistoria.se

Ptoastyo plift: solkanonklubben.se

Sources: Wikipedia / solkanonklubben.se / www.atvidaberg.se

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