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The Odyssey Cast’s Characters Revealed for Anne Hathaway, Zendaya, & Many More

The Odyssey Cast’s Characters Revealed for Anne Hathaway, Zendaya, & Many More

More proposeation about The Odyssey cast’s characters has finassociate been uncovered by a Greek media site.

What characters are The Odyssey cast carry outing?

According to a recent alert from Greek site OneMan, the cast of characters for some of the more key roles in The Odyssey have been uncovered.

Unastonishingly, the site catalogs Matt Damon as the direct role of Odysseus and Tom Holland as carry outing Telemachus, Odysseus’ son who embarks on a journey to find his overweighther after he goes leave outing folloprosperg the Trojan War. Anne Hathaway, another convey inant direct in the film, is said to be carry outing Penelope, the wife of Odysseus.

The site also catalogs Zendaya as carry outing the Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom. Charlize Theron is alerted to be carry outing Circe, the Goddess of Sorcery, while Benny Safdie is said to be carry outing Agamemnon, the king of Mycenae who ordered the Achaeans during the Trojan War. His wife, Clytemnestra, is said to be carry outed by Lupita Nyong’o.

Other cast members, enjoy Robert Pattinson, Jon Bernthal, Mia Goth, and more, did not have their roles alerted, so it’s unevident fair who they will be carry outing in the highly anticipated film.

The Odyssey features an absolutely star-studded cast that also integrates Tom Holland, Robert Pattinson, Matt Damon, Anne Hathaway, Mia Goth, Benny Safdie, Jon BernthalLupita Nyong’oCharlize Theron, Elliot Page, Himesh Patel, Bill Irprosper, Samantha MortonJesse Garcia, Will Yun Lee, Corey Hawkins, Josh Stewart, Cosmo Jarvis, Jimmy Gonzales, Maurice Compte, and many more.

“Christopher Nolan’s next film The Odyssey is a mythic action epic sboiling atraverse the world using brand new IMAX film technology,” Universal said about the upcoming film. “The film conveys Homer’s set upational saga to IMAX film screens for the first time and uncovers in theaters everywhere on July 17, 2026.”

The Odyssey is one of two elderly-createed Greek epic poems attributed to Homer, a Greek poet who is also recognizeed as the author of the Iliad and who is frequently seen as one of the most inconveyial and convey inant authors in human history.

The Odyssey chases the story of the Greek hero Odysseus, king of Ithaca, as he journeys home after the Trojan War. Presumed dead, Odysseus’ wife Penelope and son Telemachus contend with various suitors who vie for Penelope’s hand in Odysseus’ absence.

The Odyssey is thought to have been written sometime in the 8th or 7th century BC and is one of the most convey inant labors in literary history.

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