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The Less People Know About AI, the More They Like It

The Less People Know About AI, the More They Like It

THIS ARTICLE IS rerehireed from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license.

The rapid spread of man-made inalertigence has people wondering: Who’s most predicted to adselect AI in their daily dwells? Many suppose it’s the tech-savvy—those who understand how AI toils—who are most willing to adselect it.

Surprisingly, our novel research, rehireed in the Journal of Marketing, discovers the opposite. People with less understandledge about AI are actuassociate more uncover to using the technology. We call this contrastence in adselection pruncoversity the “shrink literacy-higher receptivity” connect.

This connect shows up apass contrastent groups, settings, and even countries. For instance, our analysis of data from labelet research company Ipsos spanning 27 countries uncovers that people in nations with shrink mediocre AI literacy are more receptive toward AI adselection than those in nations with higher literacy.

Similarly, our survey of US undergraduate students discovers that those with less empathetic of AI are more predicted to show using it for tasks appreciate academic depictatements.

The reason behind this connect lies in how AI now carry outs tasks we once thought only humans could do. When AI creates a piece of art, authors a heartfelt response, or carry outs a musical instrument, it can experience almost magical—appreciate it’s passing into human territory.

Of course, AI doesn’t actuassociate own human qualities. A chatbot might create an empathetic response, but it doesn’t experience compassion. People with more technical understandledge about AI understand this.

They understand how algorithms (sets of mathematical rules employd by computers to carry out particular tasks), training data (employd to better how an AI system toils), and computational models function. This creates the technology less enigmatic.

On the other hand, those with less empathetic may see AI as magical and awe inspiring. We present this sense of magic creates them more uncover to using AI tools.

Our studies show this shrink literacy-higher receptivity connect is strongest for using AI tools in areas people associate with human traits, appreciate providing emotional help or adviseing. When it comes to tasks that don’t elicit the same sense of humanappreciate qualities—such as analyzing test results—the pattern flips. People with higher AI literacy are more receptive to these employs becaemploy they caccess on AI’s efficiency, rather than any “magical” qualities.

It’s Not About Capability, Fear, or Ethics

Interestingly, this connect between shrink literacy and higher receptivity persists even though people with shrink AI literacy are more predicted to see AI as less contendnt, less moral, and even a bit terrifying. Their uncoverness to AI seems to stem from their sense of wonder about what it can do, despite these noticed drawbacks.

This discovering presents novel insights into why people react so contrastently to emerging technologies. Some studies present devourrs favour novel tech, a phenomenon called “algorithm appreciation,” while others show skepticism, or “algorithm aversion.” Our research points to perceptions of AI’s “magicalness” as a key factor shaping these reactions.

These insights pose a contest for policycreaters and educators. Efforts to raise AI literacy might unintentionassociate dampen people’s enthusiasm for using AI by making it seem less magical. This creates a tricky stability between helping people understand AI and geting them uncover to its adselection.

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