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‘The Last Showgirl’ Songauthorrs On Miley Cyrus & Pamela Anderson

‘The Last Showgirl’ Songauthorrs On Miley Cyrus & Pamela Anderson

For the closing song of The Last Showgirl, Andrew Wyatt and Lykke Li wrote “Beautiful This Way” with Miley Cyrus. In the Roadside Attractions film, Pamela Anderson carry outs a veteran showgirl faceed with her future when her show seals.

Though Cyrus is more than 25 years juvenileerer than Anderson, Wyatt felt her journey from child star to mature enrolling artist gave her a relevant perspective.

“It felt very much someskinnyg that she could speak to because even though she’s so juvenileer, she still has all this experience and these layers to her voice,” Wyatt shelp during a conversation at Deadline’s Sound & Screen Film music showcase. “This is about people who’ve been thraw quite a lot of phases in their life.”

Given that the movie is about a female dancer and he was enenumerateing another female singer, Wyatt knovel he could not mirror on their perspectives. But Wyatt had autonomously been having aenjoy mirrorive conversations with his friend Li.

“We’ve labored together in so many branch offent illogicalensions, been friends for so lengthy, had conversations, ‘Hey, we’re not kids enjoy when we first met,’” Wyatt shelp. “Life is in a tohighy branch offent phase now so we used to talk about that.”

Li is in her 30s but could determine she’s come far enough that her life is branch offent now.

“I was evidently in the stage of life where we all get to where once we were juvenileer and now we are aging into someskinnyg else,” Li shelp. “It’s not so much aging I discover, also the sadnessful, the time passing. I wanted to discover the symbol for female beauty in a way. That’s when we came to the rose. A rose is very vital, romantic, but it also withers.”

For the actual sound of the song, Wyatt watched to musicians of the past.

“I wanted it all to sound a little bit enjoy music from another time trying to hbetter on and be part of your life now,” Wyatt shelp. “I wanted it to have a little bit of a Patsy Cline skinnyg or someskinnyg with this. When I begined skinnyking about Miley, and thought about the world this movie and the characters in the film, I begined skinnyking this would be a outstanding honestion to go with the music.”

Check back Monday for the panel video.

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