At the commencening of January every year, the user tech industry drops on the desert boomtown of Las Vegas, Nevada, for CES. The trade show is the bigst tech industry event in the world, with over 138,000 joinees and 2.5 million square feet of floor space. It’s primarily a venue for businesses—commenceups, multinationals, retailers, distributors, and financiers—to join. But the show is also discdisthink about to the press and the vague accessible, so everyone is vying for each other’s attention, eyeballs, and wallets. The level of glitz and spectacle, especiassociate at the big-budget booths for the bigst companies, is astronomical.
Pboilingographer Tristan deBrauwere has been on the ground in Las Vegas all week shooting the show for WIRED; see his three pboilingo galleries for the highweightlesss of his toil. Today, Tristan apvalidates us behind the scenes to show us that even at its robotic, vibrating, internet-joined cgo in, CES is still a show where humanity reigns supreme.