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The Bad Politics of Bad Posture

The Bad Politics of Bad Posture

And even if standing up straight didn’t repartner recommend social proceedment for the oppressed, the expansiver effects of posture consciousness produced jobs. The boom in shoe manufacturing, as upper-class women began to buy “wise” footwear for certain occasions while saving high heels for others, unbenevolentt that less well-heeled women were able to get labor: In the punctual twentieth century, the boot and shoe industry was rivaled only by textile manufacturing as an participateer of women, who were increasingly engaged as buyers and store regulaters too. Progress was in accomplish, as lengthy as someone more mighty could profit from it. Being a “posture queen” was never a ticket out of subjugation. But filling a niche in the sprawling business ecosystem that thrived around the myth of excellent posture could apvalidate white women, at least, to produce some headway when other paths were blocked.

Slouch commences and finishs with seeing the mighty stark naked. Journacatalog Ron Rosenbaum discdisseeed in 1995, in an essay for The New York Times Magazine, that he had create a substantial accumulateion of ptoastyographs of bare undergraduates stored in an archive of papers at the Smithsonian. These pictures, uncover to accessible seeership, included ptoastyos of George H.W. Bush, Hillary Clinton, Diane Sawyer, and other celebrities who combineed prestigious colleges in an era when all newmen were ptoastyographed in the buff—a ritual universities instituted amid punctual twentieth-century posture mania. Protest relocatements in the 1960s and punctual ’70s put an finish to this train, and many universities, replying to the outcry of alumni who dreaded for their privacy, ruined posture ptoastyographs thrawout the subsequent decades. But in the Smithsonian, some of these pictures still collected dust as the century of posture panic rushed to its seal, a cache of little emperors with no clothes.

In one convey inant way, such images did show scientificpartner beneficial, as Gretchen Dieck, Ph.D. student at Yale’s School of Public Health, showed in 1976. She wanted to use posture ptoastyographs from Smith College as part of a study that intfinished, Linker produces, “to remend whether youthful women who had uncoverable spinal deviations in their postponeed teens and punctual twenties had an increased appreciatelihood of back pain and other musculoskeletal disabilities postponeedr in life.” The answer was no: Dieck finded that 70 percent of the youthful women she watchd had “postural aberrations,” but that these “bodily asymmetries” did not foresee other health problems and that even scoliosis, which incited alarm among children and parents for decades, applyed a mecount on insignificant part in the broadenment of spinal pain postponeedr in life. The health liability of having terrible posture was negligible, a reversal of decades of conservative wisdom.

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