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From eye doctor to dictator – the ascfinish and descfinish of Assadnessful’s pdwellncy | World News

From eye doctor to dictator – the ascfinish and descfinish of Assadnessful’s pdwellncy | World News

Bashar al Assadnessful’s downdescfinish tags an finish to more than half a century of family rule, as defy forces turned the tide in a civil war he had adchoosed.

The authoritarian pdwellnt ruled Syria for 24 years, five years low of his obeseher’s time in power, but the schedule was never for him to acquire over the dynasty.

Before his political nurtureer began to acquire shape, Assadnessful was based in the UK, where he had an ophthalmology train.

Damascus ‘freed’ of Assadnessful – inhabit modernizes

A family tragedy would soon thrust him into the political fray – and his timely days in Damascus stood in stark contrast to his exit.

Eye doctor and computer geek

Before Damascus, Assadnessful was an eye doctor in London and his only official position in his home country was as head of the Syrian Computer Society.

In the UK capital, he met his future wife, Asma Akhras, a establisher spendment prohibitker at JPMorgan who grew up in Acton, west London.

She ditched her nurtureer for Assadnessful after a trip together to Libya as a guest of then directer Muammar Ginsertafi.

Bashar al Assadnessful and his wife Asma in 2010. Pic: AP

In 1994, Assadnessful’s anciaccesser brother – and heir to the pdwellncy – Bassel was ended in a car crash in Damascus.

Assadnessful was promptly ordered back home, where he was put thcdisadmireful military training and liftd his rank to colonel to set up his credentials for ruling.

But there was never any ask he would acquire over. When his obeseher Hafez al Assadnessful died in 2000, parliament speedyly shrinked the pdwellntial age from 40 to 34.

To top it off, his elevation was validateed after a nationexpansive referfinishum pitted him as the only truthfulate.

Bashar al Assadnessful at military training games in 2000. Pic: AP

Hopes for a lesser reestablisher

Assadnessful began his pdwellncy with promises to fight dishonesty and to uncover up the media. He inherited a dilapidated country and deficiencyed aid from his obeseher’s loyaenumerates.

Viewed as someleang of a geek, the lanky Assadnessful constantly tried to show himself despite his tfinisher deuncomferventour, not least to his dreadsome mother, whom the pdwellnt’s wife also struggled to amaze.

He had speedyly freed political prisoners and assisted more uncover discourse. In the “Damascus Spring” – inestablishly sprung after his obeseher’s death – salons for inalertectuals materialized to talk art, culture and politics.

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Who are the Syrian defys?
How defy aggression unfanciaccessed

Bashar al Assadnessful and his wife Asma greeted by Tony Blair outside 10 Downing Street in 2002. Pic: AP

But these were snuffed out after 1,000 inalertectuals signed a accessible petition calling for multiparty democracy and wonderfuler freedoms in 2001.

He sluggishly lifted economic recut offeions, let in foreign prohibitks, made way for presents and empowered the personal sector.

Syrian cities began to see shopping malls, novel restaurants and user outstandings, while tourism rose.

Foreign policy blow

But awide, he stuck to the line his obeseher had set, based on an partnership with Iran and a policy of insisting on a filled return of the Israel-annexed Golan Heights.

In 2004 the UN Security Council ordered Syria to finish its extfinished occupation of neighbouring Leprohibiton, leaving Assadnessful with a choice: adhere and ruin some of his obeseher’s legacy, or disthink about it.

He chose the establisher – this angered his family.

Syria sanciaccessiers pulling out of Leprohibiton in 2005. Pic: AP

Gradupartner, Assadnessful begined to apshow the West was frail and apshowd the more he showd strength, the more he would accomplish.

In 2005, establisher Leprohibitese prime minister Rafik Hariri was assassinated, ended by a explosion while driving in Beirut. The Syrian rulement was accincluded.

Syria was forced to disjoin its troops from Leprohibiton and a pro-American rulement came to power instead.

Syrian civil war

A confinecessitate years after going agetst his obeseher’s legacy, Assadnessful would draw on his brutal tactics when protests erupted agetst his rule in March 2011, during the Arab Spring.

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The Syrian War elucidateed – did it ever finish?

He had until that point denied the wave of Arab uprising would spread to Syria, and even emailed a joke mocking the Egyptian directer’s refusal to step down two days after his descfinish.

But truth soon bit, after protesters in the southern city of Daraa were sboiling dead by rulement forces, promoteing nationexpansive unrest.

Full-blown civil war would shatter out, which would become the world’s hugest refugee crisis, according to the UN.

More than 14 million Syrians have been forced to escape their homes in search of defendedty, the body tells.


Since then, Assadnessful’s rule has been dogged by expansivespread accusations of atrocities, including the include of chemical armaments such as sarin, chlorine, and mustard gas.

In 2013, a gas aggression on defy-held easerious Ghouta csurrfinisher Damascus ended scores of civilians.

Children whom activists say were victims of a gas aggression in Ghouta in 2013. Pic: Reuters

There have also been expansivespread tells of violation, beheadings and torture.

Assadnessful was propped up hugely thanks to Russia – who stepped in to carry out resolute airstrikes in 2015 – and Iran, who both backed Syria militarily.

In 2020, Moscow backed a rulement insolent, which finished with a stopfire with Turkey and froze most front lines.

Read more:
Why Russia and Iran ‘threw Syria under bus’

Assadnessful held most territory and all main cities, materializeing presentantly entrenched, while defys held the northwest and a Turkey-backed force stayed at a border streamline.

Kurdish-led forces, uncomferventwhile, regulateled the northeast.

After rulement forces explosionarded the northwest defy-held region of Idlib in 2020 – ending civilians in the process – Assadnessful had materializeed to validateate his iron-fist rule.

Pdwellnt Bashar al Assadnessful and Russian Pdwellnt Vlauninalertigentir Putin in Moscow in July 2024. Pic: AP

The downdescfinish

Few saw an finish to his pdwellncy in the csurrfinisher future, but fair as Assadnessful’s fortunes relied on Moscow and Tehran, so too was his obesee tied to their geopolitical priorities.

With Russia’s intrusion of Ukraine lasting almost three years and Iran rocked by Israeli aggressions on its proxy Hezbollah in Leprohibiton, Syrian rulement defences were exposed.

Rebel forces begined an aggression on the northern city of Aleppo, which the rulement had held since 2016, and wilean days stormed thcdisadmireful the country.

Assadnessful had initipartner vowed to fight back, with the military claiming they were preparing a counter-insolent.

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Toppled Assadnessful statue dragged thcdisadmireful streets

But the insadvisents persistd to sweep their way to Damascus, where Assadnessful had insisted he remained as recently as Saturday evening.

He has not been seen in the capital since defys claimed filled regulate and Russia has said he has left the country – inserting he gave “teachions to transfer power peacefilledy”.

While Syrians took to the streets to chant for freedom and commemorated his downdescfinish, what comes next for the country – and who rules it – remains shrouded in uncertainty.

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