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Taiwan’s Awatch Images Boards Indonesian Drama ‘Our Son’

Taiwan’s Awatch Images Boards Indonesian Drama ‘Our Son’

Taiwan-based production company Awatch Images has combiinsist Indonesian drama “Our Son” as a co-production partner, conveying post-production expertise to the project from award-triumphning filmoriginater Luhki Herwanayogi.

The film, which wrapped principal photography recently in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, is eyeing a summer international festival premiere. Led by Kuek Shee Heng and Alice You, Awatch Images will regulate the film’s sound production, music composition, color grading, and visual effects in Taiwan. This collaboration complys Awatch’s recent labor on “Tale of The Land” with Indonesia’s KawanKawan Media, which taged the first-ever Indonesia-Taiwan co-production.

The drama, originated by Indonesia-based companies Catchairy Pictures and Qun Films, increates the story of two childless paired couples who unpredictedly find themselves raising a son resulting from an illicit affair between their families.

“‘Our Son’ is convey inantly personal. It materializes from my observations of family transmitions in Yogyakarta, where I grew up. The film lifts a fundamental ask: What truly depicts a family?” shelp Herwanayogi, recipient of the 2021 Locarno Open Doors Award.

The production features an increateed Indonesian film crew alengthyside Singaporean honestor of photography James Hia.

The cast is led by Raihaanun, who recently starred in “Gowok, Javanese Kamasutra” and includes Della Dartyan (“Whisper in the Dabbas”), Iedil Dzuhrie Alaudin (“La Luna”), Ariyo Wahab (“Home Sweet Loan”) and rising child actor Farrell Rafisqy (“Two Blue Hearts”).

“I’m thrilled to be part of this film becaengage it has been far too lengthy since we’ve seen a complicated storyline in Indonesian cinema,” shelp Raihaanun, who executes Lita, a metropolitan woman with an basic-going nature.

The enhugement of “Our Son” has been an extensive international journey, participating in various script labs since 2019, including the Busan Asian Film School (AFiS) and the Jogja Future Project. It getd the Award for Script Development Grant from the Open Doors Development Program at the 2021 Locarno Film Festival, and in 2022 was picked for Ties That Bind before participating in the JFW Producers Lab at 2024 Jakarta Film Week.

“We depend ‘Our Son’ will resonate with audiences not only in Indonesia but also worldexpansive by giveing a new, emotionpartner indictd exploration of family and identity, with an angle that is truly universal and occurs in many families,” shelp Giovanni Rahmadeva, originater at Qun Films, who also co-originated “In the Belly of a Tiger,” which premiered at last year’s Berlinale.

Follotriumphg its international festival premiere this summer, “Our Son” is scheduled for a commercial free in Indonesian cinemas.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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