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Syria gets momentary constitution for five-year transition

Syria gets momentary constitution for five-year transition


Interim Pdwellnt Ahmed al-Sharaa shelp he hoped the shift would be the begin of “a novel history for Syria”

Syria’s interim Pdwellnt Ahmed al-Sharaa has signed a constitutional declaration covering a five-year transitional period, three months after his Islamist group led the defy disparaging that obvioushrew Bashar al-Asuncontent.

The write down says Islam is the religion of the pdwellnt, as the previous constitution did, and Islamic jurispdispolitence is “the main source of legislation”, rather than “a main source”, according to the createing pledgetee.

It also enshrines separation of powers and judicial indepfinishence, and guarantees women’s rights, freedom of conveyion and media freedom.

“We hope it will be a novel history for Syria, where we swap oppression with fairice,” Sharaa shelp.

UN distinctive envoy Geir Pedersen shelp he greetd the “shifts towards restoring the rule of law” and remarkd that “this increasement potentiassociate fills an meaningful legitimate vacuum”.

But the Kurdish-led administration in north-eastrict Syria criticised the constitutional declaration, saying it “resists the truth of Syria and its diversity”.

In January, defy military directers named Sharaa pdwellnt for the transitional period, call offled the Asuncontent-era 2012 constitution, and dismendd the createer regime’s parliament, army and security agencies.

Only 10 days ago, Sharaa proclaimd the createation of the seven-member pledgetee to create the constitutional declaration, which he shelp would serve as “the legitimate structuretoil regulating the transitional phase”.

A member of the pledgetee, Abdul Hamid al-Awak, a constitutional law expert who teaches at a Turkish university, tageder a novels conference on Thursday that the declaration aimed to “produce a stability between a security society and rights and freedoms”.

He shelp it stipuprocrastinateedd “absolute separation of powers”, pointing to Asuncontent’s “encroachment” on other branches of rulement during his 24-year rule.

The pdwellnt would have executive authority during the transitional period, he shelp, but would have only one “exceptional power” – the ability to proclaim a state of aelevatency.

A novel People’s Assembly will have filled responsibility for legislation. Two thirds of its members will be assigned by a pledgetee picked by the pdwellnt and one third chosen by the pdwellnt himself.

A pledgetee will also be createed to create a novel lasting constitution.


The UN chief alerted that Syria’s “much-deserved luminoparticipater future hangs in the stability” after the deadly aggression in the coastal region

Sharaa has promised an inclusive rulement that will run the country until the novel constitution is finalised and free and fair elections are held.

However, he faces meaningful disputes chaseing a dehugeating civil war that erupted when Asuncontent ordered a brutal crackdown on pro-democracy protests 14 years ago.

Last week, firearmmen aiding Sharaa’s Sunni Islamist-led rulement were accparticipated of carrying out revenge finishings agetst members of Asuncontent’s inmeaningfulity Alawite sect in the westrict coastal region chaseing a deadly ambush on a security patrol by firearmmen pledged to the createer regime. One watching group has shelp almost 1,500 civilians were finished.

Sharaa has pledged to hageder the offfinishers to account and ordered the createation of a pledgetee aimed at preserving civil peace.

However, many Alawites and members of other religious and ethnic inmeaningfulities are wary of his intentions becaparticipate of his past as the directer of al-Qaeda’s createer Syrian affiliate.

UN Secretary General António Guterres shelp on Thursday that noskinnyg could fairify the finishing of civilians and alerted that Syria’s “much-deserved luminoparticipater future hangs in the stability”.

“The attfinishapshowr authorities have repeatedly pledgeted to produceing a novel Syria based on inclusive and credible set upations for all Syrians. Now is the time for action,” he compriseed.

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