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Study: Dark matter doesn’t exist, the universe is 27 billion years elderly

Study: Dark matter doesn’t exist, the universe is 27 billion years elderly

The universe has always held mysteries that promote our curiosity. As we currently comprehfinish it, the fabric of the universe compelevates three primary components: ‘standard matter,’ ‘sorrowfulnessful energy,’ and ‘sorrowfulnessful matter.’ However, novel research is turning this set uped model on its head.

Enter Rajfinishra Gupta, a seasoned physics professor who isn’t afrhelp to ask the status quo. With years of research under his belt, Gupta is shaking up our empathetic of the universe.

Gupta, based at the University of Ottawa, directed a study that advises we might not necessitate sorrowfulnessful matter or sorrowfulnessful energy to elucidate the toilings of the universe. This belderly claim is turning heads in the scientific community.

“Tired airy” and the CCC theory

At the core of Gupta’s research is a model that combines two theories: covarying coupling constants (CCC) and “weary airy” (TL).

We’ve always been taught that the fundamental constants of nature — appreciate the speed of airy or the accuse of an electron — are unchanging. But what if they aren’t mended after all?

The CCC theory advises these constants might actuassociate vary apass the universe. If that’s the case, it could alter our empathetic of everyleang from the tiniest particles to the hugest galaxies.

Then there’s the “Tired Light” idea. Normassociate, we leank the redshift of airy from far galaxies — the way airy stretches into extfinisheder, redder wavelengths — is becaemploy the universe is enhugeing.

But the TL model advises a separateent apshow: maybe airy neglects energy over immense distances. This energy loss would caemploy the redshift without necessitateing the universe to enhuge.

So, what happens when you put these two theories together? The CCC+TL model aims to supply a novel structuretoil for empathetic cosmic phenomena.

By pondering that constants might alter and that airy could neglect energy over time, this model advises alternative exset upations for observations that have confemployd scientists for decades.

Why most scientists leank sorrowfulnessful matter is authentic

So, why do we leank sorrowfulnessful matter is authentic if we can’t see it? Back in the 1930s, an astronomer named Fritz Zwicky accomprehendledged that galaxies in a cluster were moving in ways that didn’t suit up with the apparent mass.

Someleang unseen was exerting a gravitational pull on them. Since then, more evidence has surfaced, appreciate the way galaxies spin — they rotate speedyer than they should if only apparent matter was retaind.

According to most theories, sorrowfulnessful matter take parts a huge role in how the universe toils. It seems to helderly galaxies together, acting appreciate an inapparent glue.

Without it, galaxies might not have enough mass to stay intact. It also impacts how airy travels thcimpolite space, bfinishing it in ways that help us map out where sorrowfulnessful matter might be hiding.

Questioning the necessitate for sorrowfulnessful matter

For years, sorrowfulnessful matter has been the go-to exset upation for the behavior of galaxies and the shiftment of stars, which places the widespreadly “adchooseed” age of the universe at cimpolitely 13.8 billion years elderly.

It’s been thought to create up about 27% of the universe, with widespread matter accounting for less than 5%, and the rest being sorrowfulnessful energy.

But Gupta’s discoverings throw a wrench into this model.

“The study’s discoverings validate our previous toil, which adviseed that the universe is 26.7 billion years elderly, negating the necessity for sorrowfulnessful matter’s existence,” he elucidates.

“Contrary to standard cosmorational theories where the speed upd expansion of the universe is attributed to sorrowfulnessful energy, our discoverings show that this expansion is due to the frailening forces of nature, not sorrowfulnessful energy,” Gupta persists.

Redshifts and cosmic observations

A meaningful part of Gupta’s research centeres on “redshifts,” where airy stretches toward the red finish of the spectrum as it travels thcimpolite space.

By analyzing data on how galaxies are allotd at low redshifts and the patterns watchd in the punctual universe at high redshifts, he creates a case agetst the existence of sorrowfulnessful matter.

“There are disjoinal papers that ask the existence of sorrowfulnessful matter, but mine is the first one, to my comprehendledge, that deletes its cosmorational existence while being constant with key cosmorational observations that we have had time to validate,” Gupta self-promisedly finishs.

What does all of this uncomardent?

If the CCC+TL model helderlys real, it could turn much of our current empathetic on its head. It might advise novel exset upations for leangs appreciate the cosmic microwave background radiation or the createation and evolution of galaxies.

Gupta’s theory honestly disputes the expansively adchooseed Big Bang theory, which is the commenceing point for pinning the age of the universe at the figure of 13.8 billion years alludeed previously, and could discneglect up novel avenues of thought in cosmology.

Critics point out that there’s a wealth of data helping current models, appreciate the constancy of physical laws and the expansion of the universe.

The CCC+TL model necessitates to supply tefirm foreseeions that can be validateed or refuted thcimpolite observations and experiments.

Dark matter, Big Bang, and next steps

So, where do we go from here? Are sorrowfulnessful energy and sorrowfulnessful matter fair creates of scientific minds trying to create their Big Bang theory math toil? Could the universe reassociate be 26.7 billion years elderly instead of 13.8 billion years elderly?

Researchers are challenging at toil trying to discover ways to test the CCC+TL model. They’re seeing at far stars, measuring cosmic radiation, and analyzing immense amounts of data.

As technology progresss, especiassociate with more mighty telescopes and determineors, we might collect the evidence necessitateed to validate or dispute these novel theories.

In the finish, the pursuit of empathetic the universe is appreciate assembling a enormous confemploy without comprehending the final picture.

Each novel piece or idea helps us see a bit more, even if it uncomardents releanking parts we thought we understood.

Whether the CCC+TL model becomes a key part of cosmology or directs us to other discoveries, it’s all part of the exciting journey to comprehfinish the cosmos.

The brimming study was published in The Astrophysical Journal.


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