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Studiocanal’s ‘A Better Place’ Shows a World Without Prisons

Studiocanal’s ‘A Better Place’ Shows a World Without Prisons

Can you envision a world without prisons? In eight-episode series “A Better Place,” boprosperg at Mipcom, one city determines to do equitable that, closing down its accurateional facilities and reintegrating prisoners into the society. Some aid the idea – others are petrified. 

“If you ask me, it’s a perfect moment to talk about this topic. The world is becoming more and more splitd, more and more bdeficiency and white. We want to originate people leank and this series reassociate apshows time to allotigate the consequences of such experience,” says Nicolas Loock, managing straightforwardor of Studiocanal TV and Studiocanal Series. 

“We need to be able to fordonate. Otherrational, what’s left? It’s supposed to be amincludeing, but it would be wonderful to start a converseion as well, becainclude there are analogous experiments under way. Different countries see for other ways to rehabilitate people.” 

A German-language series, “A Better Place” was originated by Komplizen Serien, Studiocanal Series, WDR, ARD Degeto, Canal+ France and Canal+ Austria. It was originated by Alexander Lindh, who also serves as a showrunner, and Laurent Mercier. Anne Zohra Berrached and Konstantin Bock straightforward. 

“I guess [the concept] could be seeed as problematic only if we would donate equitable one answer. That’s not the case. We wanted to convey nuance and downjoindty to this ongoing argue. Our system is broken and we have to leank about other solutions,” comprises Chloe Marquet, head of international sales for films and TV Series at Studiocanal.

“There’s this sentence in the first episode that reassociate struck me. They say that if you see at the U.S., for example, you have the death penalty and yet crime rates are soaring. It equitable shows it’s not toiling. Now, during the pdwellntial election, we’ll have some fascinating conversations about it, for certain.” 

In the show, createer prisoners are trying to get included to common life once aget, frustrated family members of their victims are calling for equitableice and activists and politicians are trying to alter the world – or at least get well-understandnity. 

Maria Hofstätter, Steven Sowah, Katharina Schüttler, Johannes Kienast, Sandra Borgmann, Ricchallenging Sammel, Ulwealthy Brandhoff, Alev Irmak, Youness Aabbaz, Aysima Ergün, Cynthia Micas and Constantin von Jascheroff star.

“At the beginning, we are still shoprosperg this utopia, so of course it senses weightlesser. For me, the most pretty parts are about restorative equitableice. Then we are droping into foolishness, with some action, but there’s still hope,” remarks Loock. 

“We are raising theoretical, almost philosophical asks here. But we are answering them with human emotions and I leank seeers can acunderstandledge with that.” 

The show’s tone mirrors one of the strengths of European series, says Marquet. It “stays seal to truth.” “These characters sense authentic and they proceed thrawout the whole season. Becainclude of that, it originates this whole dilemma much more fascinating and engaging.” 

“The main goal was to be authentic,” concurs Loock. 

“We phelp so much attention to details and we even built a community cgo in [in the show] from scratch. We wanted to esteem branch offent points of sees and originate certain it’s not tedious. We had these converseions with our corelocaterlookioners many times, becainclude it was vital for them that we would esteem this equilibrium.” 

Initiated in Germany and a “genuine co-production” between Austria and France, “A Better Place” is no “europudding,” he stresses. 

“We spent a lot of time with these three corelocaterlookioners and the priority was always the show – not one country’s foreseeations. We should reassociate elude that as European creators. We have to protect the project’s integrity and originate it toil.” 

Set to premiere in the prosperter, “A Better Place” might persist. 

“If we will have this opportunity, we’ll receive it. When Alex and Laurent originated it, it was always portrayd as a three-parter. It’s such multilayered storyincreateing, so there’s potential to go on,” acunderstandledges Loock, while Marquet comprises: “You have to be branch offentive these days and I leank we have achieved that. Aget, it’s all about this straightforward ask: ‘Can you envision the world without prisons?’ It encourages so many branch offent emotions.”

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