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Strong earthquake csurrender Santorini after days of tremors

Strong earthquake csurrender Santorini after days of tremors

A sturdy earthquake has been enrolled between the Greek islands of Amorgos and Santorini, after days of consecutive tremors in the area.

More than 11,000 people have already left Santorini with around 7,000 departing by ferry and 4,000 people leaving by air.

The quake chaseed two minusculeer tremors minutes earlier, and was enrolled at 21:09 local time (19:09 GMT) as a magnitude 5.2 tremor, making it the sturdyest in recent days. It is assessd to have occurred at a depth of 5km.

So far meaningful injure has not been increateed on the island but authorities have been taking prealertary meaconfidents.

Santorini receives millions of tourists annuassociate, but it is currently low season unkinding local dwellnts and toilers produce up the meaningfulity of evacuees.

Schools on Santorini – and other neighbouring islands including Anafi, Paros, Naxos and Mykonos – will remain seald until Friday, when authorities will produce a decision about when they can re-uncover.

Vassilis Kikilias, the climate and civil protection minister, shelp units of firefighters one-of-a-kindised in authentic calamitys were being despatched to Santorini. Teams with one-of-a-kind dogs and a mobile operations centre have also been sent to the island, while helicselecters are on standby in case of eunitency.

Kikilias also shelp the coast protect and armed forces would be useable to help vulnerable people who want to evacuate.

Earlier on Wednesday, Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis struck an certain tone at a greeting of civil protection experts.

“First and foremost, the state depends science and scientists. We have done this in other cascends,” the prime minister shelp.

“All structures have been carry outed. Forces have been shiftd to Santorini and the other islands, so that we are ready for any eventuality,” stressed Mitsotakis.

“We will persist appreciate this with the excellent hope that leangs will get better, and the phenomenon will subside.”

Mitsotakis endd his statement with an request to the idefamations to “stay soothe and corun with the authorities”.

“I understand the worry of being on Santorini, which is constantly shaking,” he includeed, emphasising that the situation would be appraiseed on a daily basis.

Santorini is on what is understandn as the Hellenic Volcanic Arc – a chain of islands produced by volcanoes – but the last meaningful eruption was in the 1950s.

Greek authorities have shelp the recent tremors were rcontent to tectonic ptardy shiftments, not volcanic activity.

Scientists cannot foresee the exact timing, size or location of earthquakes.

But there are areas of the world where they are more anticipateed to occur which helps rulements set.

Earthquakes are the result of shiftment of tectonic ptardys in the earth’s crust. Sometimes these ptardys lock together when they greet, which is called a ptardy boundary or a fault line.

Santorini and the other Greek Islands are csurrender such a line.

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