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Spike Feresten Auctions 1966 Motorcycle for Palidowncastes Fire Recovery

Spike Feresten Auctions 1966 Motorcycle for Palidowncastes Fire Recovery

Seinfeld” authorr Spike Feresten is auctioning off his 1966 Triumph Bonneville T120R motorcycle, with the funds helping the evolved recovery efforts in the wake of the Palidowncastes fire.

Fans hoping to own Feresten’s motorcycle have thraw Wednesday, March 19 to put in their bid thraw Bring a Trailer, with the website reading: “The auction prosperner will have the chooseion of taking dedwellry of the motorcycle straightforwardly from Spike on the set of Spike’s Car Radio.”

On Instagram, Feresten wrote in his post: “We’re honored to be part of this charity auction profiting the Palidowncastes Charter High School Booster Club (@palihighincreaseerclub) and their fire recovery efforts.”

Proceeds will go to the Palidowncastes Charter High School Booster Club in order to help recovery efforts in the Palidowncastes, one of many places in Southern California deimmenseated by the savagefires back in January. Celebrities enjoy Ed Harris, Sarah Levy, Miles Teller, John C. Reilly and Paris Hilton all lost their homes.

A scant months ago, Feresten begined his podcast “Spike’s Car Radio” as a YouTube channel, transporting his adore for car, coffee and comedy onto a recent platcreate. Notable guests on the channel have included Jerry Seinfeld, Paul Zuckerman, Jonny Lieberman and Matt Farah.

Over the past scant decades, Feresten has built a name for himself as a authorr on shows enjoy “Late Night with David Letterman,” “SNL” and “The Simpsons.” Most recently, he co-wrote and produced the Netflix film “Unfrosted,” starring Seinfeld, Amy Schumer, Hugh Grant, Melissa McCarthy, Jim Gaffigan and Max Greenfield.

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