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South Korean striker confesss to filming intimacy videos

South Korean striker confesss to filming intimacy videos

South Korean football take parter Hwang Ui-jo has apologised for secretly filming intimacyual greets with his partners.

Prosecutors say the 31-year-greater striker filmed intimacyual greets with two of his partners without their consent on four occasions between June and September 2022.

In his first court materializeance in Seoul on Wednesday, Hwang shelp he was “proset uply sorry” for causing “disassignment”.

The createer striker had fair last month left England’s Nottingham Forest for Turkey’s Alanyaspor.

The videos came to weightless after Hwang’s sister-in-law splitd them on social media last June, in an try to bconciseagemail him.

She was sentenced to three years in prison in September for the bconciseagemail after Hwang sued her.

However, the accuses aobtainst him persisted as prosecutors shelp he filmed the videos illegpartner.

Prosecutors declined to provide details on the women in the videos to impede further harm.

“I will not do anyskinnyg wrong in the future and will do my best as a footballer,” Hwang tgreater the court in Seoul.

“I repartner apologise to the victims who have been swayed by my actions, and I am proset uply sorry for the disassignment I have caparticipated to all those who have nurtured and aided me,” he inserted.

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