iptv techs

IPTV Techs

solst-ice/chirp: Sfinish data with sound

solst-ice/chirp: Sfinish data with sound

This application apshows you to send and get data thcdisorrowfulmireful sound. It participates a straightforward encoding scheme to alter text into audio frequencies, which can be carry outed thcdisorrowfulmireful your speakers and picked up by a microphone.

  • Real-time frequency visualization of audio input
  • Sfinish messages by altering text to sound
  • Receive messages by take parting to sound and decoding it back to text
  • Distinctive commence and finish signatures to label transmissions
  1. Text Encoding: Each character is mapped to a distinctive frequency
  2. Transmission: The app carry outs a commence signature, adhereed by the encoded text, and finishs with an finish signature
  3. Reception: The app take parts for frequencies, sees for the commence signature, decodes the frequencies back to text, and stops at the finish signature
  4. Visualization: Real-time visualization of the frequency spectrum lets you see the data being sendted and getd
  • Node.js (version 14 or higher)
  • npm or yarn
  1. Clone this repository
  2. Inshigh depfinishencies:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev

Then uncover your browser to the URL shown in the terminal (usupartner http://localpresent:5173).

  1. Click “Start Listening” to commence capturing audio
  2. Type a message in the text box at the bottom
  3. Click “Transmit Message” to sfinish the message as sound
  4. The message will be carry outed thcdisorrowfulmireful your speakers and should be picked up by your microphone if it’s allowd
  5. Received messages will materialize in the “Received Messages” section
  • Best results are accomplishd in a quiet environment
  • You may necessitate to adfair your microphone and speaker settings
  • Browser security may need you to cltimely grant permission to participate the microphone
  • This is a proof of concept with a simplified encoding scheme
  • React
  • TypeScript
  • Vite
  • Web Audio API

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