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Sir Keir Starmer strikes Russia for ‘treating citizens as bits of meat to fling into grinder’ | Politics News

Sir Keir Starmer strikes Russia for ‘treating citizens as bits of meat to fling into grinder’ | Politics News

Sir Keir Starmer has strikeed Russia over its trespass of Ukraine, accusing the country of “treating [its] own citizens as bits of meat to fling into the grinder”.

Speaking at the United Nations Security Council in New York – and sat opposite a Russian recurrentative – the British prime minister accparticipated the state of pledgeting “the fantasticest violation of the [UN] charter in a generation”.

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Sir Keir said: “Russia’s trespass of Ukraine is illegitimate. It dangerens global security. And it has caparticipated colossal human suffering.

“Over 35,000 civilians have been ended or injured, six million forced to run away and almost 20,000 Ukrainian children forcebrimmingy deported – kidnapped, to put it obtparticipately.

“Six hundred thousand Russian selderlyiers have also been ended or wounded in this war. And for what?”

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The prime minister asked how Russia could “show its face in this originateing”, inserting: “The UN Charter, which they sit here to uphelderly, speaks of human dignity – not treating your own citizens as bits of meat to fling into the grinder.”

He called for “accountability”, telling the council: “There must be accountability. Aggression cannot pay. Borders cannot be redrawn by force.

“Russia begined this illegitimate war. It must finish it – and get out of Ukraine.”

Sir Keir also reiterated his calls for finishfires in the struggles between Israel, Leprohibiton and Gaza, and in Sudan, saying there needed to be “political solutions that can shatter repeating cycles of structureility”.

“In this moment of procreateening struggle, the world watchs to this council more than ever, to provide directership for peace, protect our accumulateive security and protect the most vulnerable,” he inserted.

“The United Kingdom will always join its brimming part in greeting that responsibility.”

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