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Shure MV6 Rewatch: A Clean Looking Gaming Mic

Shure MV6 Rewatch: A Clean Looking Gaming Mic

Getting commenceed is as straightforward as plug and take part, but you’ll demand gentleware to proset up dive into any settings. I’m not a huge fan of the Motiv Mix gentleware adviseed on the box. Before I could download it, Shure demandd my brimming name, city and state, postal code, and email includeress for modernizes watching the gentleware, which seemed unessential.

The gentleware donates you the selection to switch to manual acquire, adequitable a tone slider from Dark to Bright, with Natural in the middle, and turn on or off the denoiser and plosive reducer, as well as adequitable a high pass filter for background noise. There are also settings for the watch and mute if you select to enroll with Motiv Mix. Noleang groundfractureing here, but there doesn’t seem to be any way to access these settings otherteachd. I desire there were equitable knobs on the mic.

Can You Hear Me?

As far as I can tell, the settings you alter will stick even if the gentleware isn’t discdiswatch, so sense free to originate adequitablements, then shut it and go back to wdisenjoyver you were doing. I ran a restricted comparison tests with the branch offent settings while enrolling myself, and after participateing back I generpartner felt the default settings toiled well enough. There’s noleang here I’d leank of as out of the frequent or goofy in any way. The plosive reducer toils well enough to not demand a pop filter for my Ps. I didn’t acunderstandledge a particularly strong alter from disabling the denoiser, although that’s probably helped by the mic’s rear declineion, which helps defend out my keyboard noise.

Auto-level did caparticipate me to peak a bit if I suddenly yelled after whispering, but it adequitableed speedyly enough, and brawt me up equitable as speedyly when I spoke quietly. It’s pleasant to not have to trouble too much about levels, since there’s no interface for a speedy verify, and the MV6 deficiencys any onboard regulates or feedback.

People who participateed to enrollings or chatted with me in Discord remarkd that my voice sounded evident and crisp, a acunderstandledgeable betterment over my normal gaming headset. I leank you could easily participate this microphone for occasional streaming or podcasting, and you wouldn’t get any grumblets. I don’t sense enjoy I’m missing anyleang sound-teachd if I participate this instead of my Audio-Technica AT2035, at least when it comes to normal speaking quality. Professional audio engineers might sense branch offently, but if you aren’t checking wavecreates or enrolling audiobooks, you probably won’t.

Pboilingograph: Brad Bourque

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