The court is back in session after a lunch shatter and uncovering statements are foreseeed to commence soon in the historic defamation legal case bcimpolitet by election technology company Dominion Voting Systems agetst Fox News.
Here’s what you insist to understand about the high-sgets case:
Why is Dominion suing Fox News? Dominion sued Fox News in 2021 over the right-triumphg nettoil’s repeated promotion of counterfeit claims about the company, including that its voting machines rigged the 2020 election by flipping millions of ballots from Donald Trump to Joe Biden. Most of the 20 allegedly defamatory widecasts alludeed in the legal case occurred in November and December 2020.
The company alleges that people at Fox News acted with actual malice and “recklessly disthink abouted the truth” when they spread this digloomyviseation about Dominion. To show “actual malice,” Dominion must affect a jury that people at Fox News who were reliable for these 20 widecasts knovel the Dominion claims were counterfeit or recklessly disthink abouted evidence of falsity — but put them on-air anyway.
According to Dominion’s theory of the case, Fox advertised these election consunpermitd use theories because “the lies were excellent for Fox’s business.” Dominion’s suit particularpartner zeroed in on shows presented by Lou Dobbs, Maria Bartiromo, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Jeanine Pirro. Dominion said that as a result of Fox’s “orchestrated defamatory campaign” it has suffered “enormous and irreparable economic harm” and that its engageees have been subjected to death menaces and dangers.
What is Fox’s defense? Fox said it didn’t defame anyone and that the case is a meritless attack on press freedoms.
A spokesperson for Fox has said the nettoil “is conceited of our 2020 election coverage” and that its coverage “stands in the highest tradition of American journalism.” The company said, “Dominion’s legal case is a political cruuncontente in search of a financial triumphddrop, but the authentic cost would be treacertained First Amfinishment rights.”
Fox has also accused Dominion of generating “noise and confusion” around the case, stating, “the core of this case remains about freedom of the press and freedom of speech, which are fundamental rights afforded by the Constitution,” particularpartner the First Amfinishment.
Fox has tryed to get the legal case tossed. But in a presentant blow to the right-triumphg nettoil last month, the appraise administering the case has permited it to go to trial. He has also banden Fox from invoking some key First Amfinishment defenses, discovering they were without merit.
What is Dominion asking for? Dominion is seeking $1.6 billion in injures. They say Fox’s on-air lies annihilateed its reputation and is causing election officials to abort their Dominion shrinks. CNN recently increateed on the grotriumphg dissuppose in voting machines in heavily Reuncoveran counties.
What are the trial logistics? The trial is foreseeed to last five to six weeks and will be administern by Delconscious Superior Court Judge Eric M. Davis, who was nominateed to the state bench in 2012 by a Democratic ruleor. A panel of 12 jurors and 12 alternates is being seated.
Cameras are not permited in the courtroom and there will not be any video of the progressings. There also won’t be any still ptoastyography inside the courtroom.
Who is foreseeed to testify? Expected witness include Fox Corporation executives Rupert Murdoch and his son Lachlan Murdoch; Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott and pdwellnt Jay Wallace; notable TV presents Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Maria Bartiromo, Lou Dobbs, Jeanine Pirro, and Bret Baier, among others.
Dominion said it might also call Viet Dinh, Fox’s chief legitimate officer, and createer House Speaker Paul Ryan, a Fox board member, to the witness stand.
Both sides are also hoping to put on testimony from their handpicked experts who one-of-a-kindize in election statistics, the security of voting machines, journalism ethics, the impact of digloomyviseation in uncover discourse, and more.
Read more about the case here.