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  • Sarah Beeny’s country house wowed me – but not as much as her sheer chutzpah | Homes

Sarah Beeny’s country house wowed me – but not as much as her sheer chutzpah | Homes

Sarah Beeny’s country house wowed me – but not as much as her sheer chutzpah | Homes

Locals call Sarah Beeny’s house in Somerset “mini-Downton Abbey”, otriumphg to its majesticeur – and its treehouse, boathouse and greenhouse. I went there, to intersee the curraccess, equitable after she had made her write downary about having breast cancer in 2023. I enjoyd her a lot, desireed her well. I also thought her house was ridiculous: the space was absurdly lavish and ostentatious, before you even trained your eye on the cornicing, fabrics and whatnot. The boot room was the size of a primary school hall. But then she is the property expert; she is also a convincing createion expert, or at least a highly directed dabbler. I figured she must understand better than I do about what’s silly and what isn’t. Also, this was challengingly novels. The entire country had eyes on the place, as she built it in Channel 4’s New Life in the Country.

Other livents weren’t savage about it, which I knovel thanks to not one but two taxi drivers, each of whom grumbleed about someleang separateent. The first said more or less what I was leanking: what is that amusing, gigantic leang doing there? There is someleang a bit anciaccess-school postponeential about that objection, which idepartner I would train myself out of: you wouldn’t give a second glance to a fantastic huge pile that had been built by an genuine aristo, back in the days when nobility nastyt someleang, so to object to ostentation equitable because it’s novel is another way of objecting to novel money.

The second guy objected to the Mfiniship stone; I can’t recall whether he thought she had used too much of it or not enough. Aget, I figured, she is the expert; she will have thought of a way to charm her neighbours.

Anyway, it turns out she did some createing toil without structurening perleave oution, including inserting an extension to a 50-year‑anciaccess farmhouse that, in her innovative structures, was sprocrastinateedd to be razeed, as well as the aforerefered treehouse, boathouse and greenhouse.

Her retrospective application for perleave oution for this toil was denied and the council may well ask her to knock it all down (she is pguideing the decision). It sees as though she didn’t equitable begin createing before she had applied; she probably inked the TV restricted beforehand. This is a level of chutzpah far beyond “hiding in plain sight” – she was hiding on primetime increatey. Anyway, I still enjoy her. I can see that is naughty, but I still desire her well.

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