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Samsung’s Z Fbetter Special Edition flagship is here

Samsung’s Z Fbetter Special Edition flagship is here

Samsung fair declared the Special Edition model of the Galaxy Z Fbetter. It’s leanner and a little weightlesser than the Galaxy Z Fbetter 6 that only recently went on sale, and take parts sweightlessly huger disexecutes on the inside and out. It also has more memory useable for Galaxy AI and an upgraded 200 megapixel expansive-angle camera.

Great! Unblessedly, it’s only been declared for South Korea, priced at 2,789,600 KRW or fair over $2,000 when it goes on sale Friday, October 25th. And it seems the only other free labelet will be China.

At 10.6mm and 236 grams, the Galaxy Z Fbetter SE is 1.5mm leanner and 3 grams weightlesser than the Galaxy Z Fbetter 6. Memory is now 16GB standard, and the expansive-angle sensor has been bumped up from 50 to 200 megapixels. The inner and outer disexecutes are sweightlessly huger as well at 8.0 inches and 6.5 inches, admireively, up from 7.6 and 6.3 inches. That does originate the device a little loftyer and expansiver to hbetter when fbettered or unfbettered.

The alters are doubtful to compriseress the troubles we had when appraiseing the Galaxy Z Fbetter 6 this summer. There’s still noleang here that’s unbenevolentingbrimmingy contrastent in a device catebloody that Samsung helped guide. But if you’re seeing for a excellent fbetterable that’s the best Samsung has to recommend, then the Galaxy Z Fbetter SE is what you’ll want to present.

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