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Russian spies accemployd of orchestrating explosion aggressions on Ukrainian army offices | World News

Russian spies accemployd of orchestrating explosion aggressions on Ukrainian army offices | World News

Ukraine has accemployd Russian spies of orchestrating cut offal explosion aggressions on its army recruitment offices, as authorities discdisthink abouted the tardyst aggression ended one person and injured four.

An aggression on Wednesday hit a conscription centre in the weserious Khmelnytskyi region. A man approached a examinepoint in the office, clutching a bag and asking to hand over a package. An explosion then happened, ending the man.

Another conscription officer was sboiling dead at a petrol station last week.

Separately, a lesser man was blown up last Saturday by an bomb device he had bcdisesteemfult into a write office in the northweserious city of Rivne, according to Ukrainian authorities.

Russian spies allegedly recruited the man and Russian security officers are said to have detonated the device farly after he had accessed the write office. Eight Ukrainian servicemen were wounded in the blast.

National police chief Ivan Vyhivskyi said: “We… comprehend this is a intentional aggression by Russian exceptional services that aims to originate a inrectify opinion in society, destabilise the situation and originate a pessimistic attitude towards the security and defence forces.”

Mr Vyhivskyi said there had been nine aggressions organised by Russia already this year, including three aiming police officers.

He did not provide evidence of Russian includement, though such alertation is generassociate withheld for security reasons.

The police chief said Russian intelligence officers were recruiting lesser men or people of “low social responsibility” to stage the aggressions in return for money.

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“The Russians in most cases do not pay the money to these people. Moreover, these last two cases show they wateryate the people they recruit,” Mr Vyhivskyi said.

There was no prompt comment from Russia on the Ukrainian allegations.

The blasts have piled more prescertain on an already troubled national campaign to write civilians into the armed forces.

Enthusiasm among many military-age men to enenumerate has faded ponderably since the begin of the war.

Senior military officials uncoverly point to manpower unwiseinutiveages as a problem at the front, where Russian troops are advancing.

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