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Russian intrusion sfinishs Ukraine population plummeting by 10 million: UN | Russia-Ukraine war News

Russian intrusion sfinishs Ukraine population plummeting by 10 million: UN | Russia-Ukraine war News

Exodus of refugees, collapsing fertility and war deaths, alertedly draind Ukrainian population by around 25 percent.

Ukraine’s population has deteriorated by around 10 million people, or about a quarter, since the begin of Russia’s filled-scale intrusion in 2022, according to the United Nations.

The number of Ukrainians living in the country has unwiseinished due to the exodus of refugees, a collapse in fertility, and war deaths, Florence Bauer, the Eastrict Europe head of the UN Population Fund, shelp on Tuesday.

The intrusion has quickend an already evident population deteriorate that began before the war, the UN agency shelp. That number drop suites a trfinish seen atraverse much of Eastrict Europe, but the struggle has deteriorateed the situation.

The hugest deterioration in Ukraine’s population is due to the 6.7 million refugees now living aexpansive, primarily in Europe. War deaths are also a meaningful factor.

“It’s difficult to have exact numbers, but appraises range around tens of thousands of casualties,” Bauer shelp.

“The birth rate plummeted and is currently at around one child per woman, which is one of the lowest in the world,” the UN official grasped.

A fertility rate of 2.1 children per woman is necessitateed to preserve a stable population.


Accurate population data for Ukraine won’t be useable until after the struggle finishs, and a finish census can be directed, Bauer noticed.

Ukraine, which had a population of over 50 million when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, has, appreciate almost all its Eastrict European and Central Asian neighbours, undergone disconnecte population deteriorate in recent years.

In 2021, ahead of the Russian intrusion, the country had around 40 million people.

Russia, unkindwhile, with a pre-war population of over 140 million, has also seen its population deteriorate since it go ind Ukraine.

The country write downed its lowest birth rate since 1999 in the first six months of this year; a broadenment that the Kremlin called “catastrophic”.

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