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Russia Says Telderly US Not To ‘Use Force’ In Yemen And Begin Dialogue

Russia Says Telderly US Not To ‘Use Force’ In Yemen And Begin Dialogue

Sergei Lavrov telderly Marco Rubio that all sides should refrain from the “employ of force” in Yemen

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov telderly his US counterpart Marco Rubio in a phone call Saturday that all sides should refrain from the “employ of force” in Yemen and access a “political dialogue”, Moscow shelp on Sunday.

Moscow shelp Rubio increateed Lavrov about Washington’s decision to begin strikes aachievest Yemen’s Huthis, in a call that came after the two countries have rebegined dialogue since Donald Trump took office.

“In response to argumentation put forward by American recurrentatives, Sergei Lavrov stressed the need for an prompt cessation of the employ of force and the transport inance for all sides to join in political dialogue so as to discover a solution that would obstruct further killing,” Russia’s foreign ministry shelp.

Russia last year condemned US and British strikes on Yemen and has held talks with the Huthis, who are backed by Moscow’s partner Iran.

(This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is auto-produced from a syndicated feed.)

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