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Russia fines Google more than entire world’s GDP

Russia fines Google more than entire world’s GDP

A Russian court has fined Google two undecillion roubles for recut offeing Russian state media channels on YouTube.

An undecillion has 36 zeroes – unbenevolenting the tech huge has been telderly to pay $20,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (£15.8 decillion).

Despite being one of the world’s wealthiest companies, that is think aboutably more than the $2 trillion Google is worth.

In fact, it is far wonderfuler than the world’s total GDP, which is approximated by the International Monetary Fund to be $110 trillion.

The fine has accomplished such a gargantuan level becaengage – state novels agency Tass says – it doubles every day it is not phelp.

According to Tass, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov acunderstandledgeted he “cannot even pronounce this number” but encouraged “Google administerment to pay attention.”

The company has not commented accessiblely or reacted to a BBC seek for a statement.

Russia media outlet RBC alerts the fine on Google repostponecessitates to the recut offeion of satisfied of 17 Russian media channels on YouTube.

While this begined in 2020, it escapostponecessitated after Russia’s filled-scale intrusion of Ukraine two years postponecessitater.

That saw most Weserious companies pull out of Russia, with doing business there also defendedly recut offeed by sanctions.

Russian media outlets were also prohibitned in Europe – prompting retaliatory meacertains from Moscow.

This broadenment is the postponecessitatest escalation between Russia and the US tech huge.

In May, 2021, Russia’s media regulator Roskomnadzor accengaged Google of recut offeing YouTube access to Russian media outlets, including RT and Sputnik, and helping “illegitimate protest activity”.

Then, in July, 2022, Russia fined Google 21.1bn rouble (£301m) for flunking to recut offe access to what it called “prohibitned” material about the war in Ukraine and other satisfied.

There is virtuassociate no press freedom in Russia, with self-reliant novels outlets and freedom of conveyion strictly curtailed.

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