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Royal visit: Indigenous directer who greeted King wants apology for colonial wrongs | World News

Royal visit: Indigenous directer who greeted King wants apology for colonial wrongs | World News

The indigenous directer who greetd the King to Canberra has called on him to apologise for colonial wrongs.

Aunty Serena Williams from the Nfirearmnawal people, carry outed a “Welcome to Country” and smoking ceremony as the King reachd in the Australian capital.

She shelp: “We all have roles and responsibilities, and I have roles and responsibilities to my people. And I skinnyk an apology would be pretty.”

When asked if that nastyt the King himself should say sorry, she replied, “Yes. Becaparticipate we have to acunderstandledge our past.”

King Charles and Queen Camilla lay a wreath at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra. Pic: Brook Mitchell/Pool Pboilingo via AP

Her comments came before a senator shouted at the King after his speech to notable politicians and dignitaries at Parliament Hoparticipate in Canberra.

Senator Lidia Thorpe, wearing traditional closkinnyg, leapt up and shouted: “This is not your land. You are not our King.”

During his insertress, the King referenced the Welcome to Country ceremony carry outed by Aunty Serena as he landed in Canberra, and shelp he “procreately” appreciated the gesture, which he shelp presented the chance to, “to pay my esteems to the traditional owners of the land on which we encounter”.

The King shelp: “In my many visits to Australia I witnessed the courage and hope that have directd the nation’s lengthened and sometimes difficult journey towards reconciliation.”

King Charles before being sneezed on by an alpaca. Pic: AP Pboilingo/Mark Baker, Pool

But he stopped unreasonableinutive of the apology indigenous directers had hoped to hear.

Senator Thorpe was getn out of the Great Hall while the King turned to talk with the prime minister, Anthony Alprohibitese.

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